View Full Version : I don't want to lose anymore weight!

17-01-12, 14:22
Can anyone explain to me how anxiety can cause weight loss? I have always been slim but over the last three months have lost nearly a stone (13lbs) in weight. I did lose my appetite for a couple of weeks when the anxiety was really bad but I have been eating pretty well for three weeks and don't seem to be gaining weight..
Anyone else experience this?

17-01-12, 14:24
Maybe try to eat a more fatty diet I don't mean unhealthy foods but potatoes and pasta are healthy and help you bulk up a bit :)

17-01-12, 16:11
I *think* it's because adrenaline increases the metabolism. Then also you may be fidgeting more which would also cause weight loss.

17-01-12, 16:18
I wonder if it's to do with the loss of nervous energy, using up all your calories. Like Harribo said, maybe eat some more fatty or high calorie foods (but yeah, obviously healthy).. peanut butter's a good one for putting on weight I have heard.
Also are you on meds for your anxiety? I think weight change can be a side effect of meds to.

17-01-12, 16:20
When you are anxious, all of your bodily functions are in over-drive. The brain is working over time, your heart beats faster, your kidneys work harder to flush the increased blood flow, you pee more because your bladder is over active, increased rate of breathing means your lungs are working harder etc etc etc! Basically when you are anxious, you are fueling a machine that is working harder, this uses more energy, energy from fat stores meaning that your weight may go down if you are not consuming enough calories to fulfil the higher work load. Try to consume more complex carbohydrates, whole grains, rye, whole wheat pasta and perhaps even use it as a great reason to fill up on luxury full fat ice cream!

17-01-12, 19:27
Thanks everyone - it makes sense that anxiety speeds everything up including metabolism. Losing unexplained weight is never a good thing for a hypochondriac!

15-02-12, 18:41
i am having the exact same problem, and am googling this evening especially to ease my mind. I am 32yr old female 5.7" and have lost 18lb in 3 1/2 months, even when my appitite is normall once my anxiety is calm i cnt seem to put the weight back on. so now its setting my anxiety off cuz i think im seriously ill :(

15-02-12, 19:26
Yep, I've had this. I'm petite so always been around 7.5 stone but had stomach problems and high anxiety so scared to weigh myself. Went to GI consultant who weighed me and I was only 6.5 stone! Had lost a stone. I was panicking thinking it must be the big C. They did tests and nothing found.
Slowly, but surely, over a few months the weight crept back on. I am now back to 7.5 stone but it has taken around 10 months. Be patient, I know it's hard.
Eat lots of cheese, cream, stuff like that.
I was so sick of people telling me how much weight I had lost, I was eager to put it all back on asap.
It's a classic anxiety symptom.

15-02-12, 19:38
I have lost 3 stone in three months, Im only 5'1 and now seven stone, great to be thin again, but my kids hate me being 'this thin', I reckon I could lose another stone

15-02-12, 21:11
I have lost 3 stone in three months, Im only 5'1 and now seven stone, great to be thin again, but my kids hate me being 'this thin', I reckon I could lose another stone

Check you BMI at six stone I suspect you'd be heading into a danger zone.

One of us

16-02-12, 09:52
Yep having the same problem, lost so much weight in the last few months. Is so hard to tell oneself it is purely the anxiety though... But it does make sense, as your mind has a massive effect on your body, and if your mind is in overdrive, well then you can imagine what it does to the body.
Guess we should just enjoy being able to eat whatever and not be putting on weight :)