View Full Version : bad time

13-06-06, 09:41
hi everyone having a really bad time at minute...every day i get up i fear will be my last i have a fear im going to collapse and die and i really dont know how im going to get over this..
im 26 got 2 small children to look after and every day is just awful...i have a fear of fainting so hate being alone ...like today i know ive got till 5 pm till my partner comes home...stuck inside as i dont like going anywhere other than to mums...me, my 2 kids and my torturous thoughts....
does anyone else share similar feelings...also having bad time with chest tightness and ectopics so they are not helping my morbid thoughts either...i soooooooooooo wish i could be normal again..
why does anxiety torment us

13-06-06, 09:47
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time of it at the mo.
We all go through tough phases were anxiety rears its ugly head and just seems to stay with us forever!!!

It will pass and you will be able to cope with your monster once again.

Take care and a big hug xx

Hay x

13-06-06, 09:56
hi there!So sorry you are having a pants day!First look at the symptom list in the site to put your mind at ease a bit[works 4 me!]also try to brek the day into litttle chunks.So it's half hours not the whoooole day to dread!In these chunks ,try and do something,stick onsome msic dance like a looney,sing outloud,try and foget yourself!It is the main problem i feel.Wethnkabout ou symptoms and how weird we feel and this escelates into panic and dread.Hey just remembered,the ..'this week i am dying off'..post in the main forum,do go and check it out again,i am sre it will cheer you up!Thinkin of you love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

13-06-06, 10:31
I so know where you are coming from that was me when my children were younger, i was positive i was going to collapse or pass out and it
got me to to the stage where i wouldnt stay in the house cos i thought at least if i collapse outside someone will look after the kiddies and they wont be on their own in the house with me on the floor.It never happened it was just the panic and these thoughts eventually started to dissapear.Its not nice its horrible but it will get easier honestly believe me.The breaking the day up is a good idea....painting for a while daft music and dancing....story......dvd it all helps ..Good luck and i hope the day gets better as it goes along :D
take care cheryl xx

13-06-06, 13:46
Sorry yuo are having such a bad day. I agree with Cheryl and mary Rose, set small goals and tasks so the day doesn't seem so long, the you're only focussing on one thing at a time, and then you achieve small goals throughout the day. I'm sure it will get better, we all have yuck days but the good ones are on the way too, it's not forever.

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-06-06, 15:14
Hi when,

I have the same fear of fainting and not being able to get help.
Have you read about mindfulness ?
I am using this and it def helps, its the best thing ive ever come accross!

Give it a try if you want to stop those what ifs..
