View Full Version : I just want to cry

17-01-12, 18:21
I started a new job last week and it's brilliant but right now I just want to cry. I feel so exhausted, so weak and almost like breathing is a major effort. I feel like I'm constantly buzzing with anxiety and little things are a big deal at the moment. I feel nauseous, dizzy, headache...but most of all like everything just is too much. All kinds of potential illnesses are going through my head and I can't cope.

17-01-12, 18:57
I have felt the same plenty of times. I have had days were I want to just get in bed and cry or sleep for days. It's horrible.

But . . . Things will get better. Anxiety comes and goes in waves. I have felt like I was going to just drop down dead for the past few days an it's truly terrifying. It's horrible that we can convince ourselves that these things are so real.

I am sorry you are feeling particularily anxious about everything at the moment but my best advise would be to carry on doing all ur daily activities even though I know that this is the last thing u will feel like doing.

Take care

17-01-12, 19:06
I just wanted to say I feel and have felt your pain, you are bye no means alone which also proves it can't be as big a deal as we make it, do you have the opportunity to try any relaxation? it really does help if you can get some quiet time, 15 mins a day with a good spoken relaxation CD can really help, as you get more familiar with the job you will relax more, we are all anxious when we start a new job and I mean everyone, give yourself some time....nice hot bath and a small glass of something also comes to mind.
Go gently.

18-01-12, 00:40
Thanks for your responses. I am blowing everything out of proportion symptom wise, even a sharp nerve pain gets my heart racing and a split second seems to let me cover every possible death causing illness that can happen. I feel powerless and trapped in my thinking.

18-01-12, 01:03
No advice im afraid, but i have been feeling exactly the same the last few days :( .....horribly unbearable at the moment. I really hope things start to look up again soon for you :hugs:xx

18-01-12, 01:08
Knowing other people feel the same is helpful. So thank you.

18-01-12, 06:46
Completely know where your coming from I wake up most mornings and wonder if I have an illness, or blow a symptom up that's nothing . I've been having constant ectopics for 18months and like trapped wind in my upper belly. Dr isn't at all concerned, but I worry about it 24 7. I never stop worrying about it. I'm waiting my life everyone thinks I'm crazy. I have a lovely hubby and 2 wonderful children, and I really don't deserve them. Why do we worry so much? The only time I have a break from it all is when I'm asleep. Would love to know what it would be like not to worry about your health 24 7 xx

18-01-12, 07:59
Hi Scorpion

You are doing well holding down the job :), working when your coping with health anxiety is no picnic, I can tell you (as you know).

First you need to seperate the anxiety from reality. That is, it's the thoughts that are causing the "phantom" pains (I say phantom, I know they are real in feeling, but they are phantom because they are not what you conclude them to be).

Now that's easier said than done, to feel a sharp pain in your chest, or head, and to tell yourself "it's not a heart problem, brain tumor etc etc, it's just a pain that everyone gets, it's nothing to worry about" well that though process does not work over night. BUT, it can and does work.

I suffered for years with HA, infact in my mind then, I was an enigma to medical science, how could a guy with so many "anxiety driven" ailments and conditions still be on this earth?

I am no expert, by any means, but if I was asked, I would suggest the following:

Pop to the docs for some reassurance on your biggest fears, when it is proven to you that your heart, brain, lungs, big toe, whatever the biggest fear is, is unfounded, this reassurance can be used to tackle those horrible thoughts.

Have a read of Claire Weekes self help books if you haven't done so already, I was never one for Self-help books, I thought it was for tree huggers ans hippies !!!! But I must confess, it was one of the key components to my own recovery.

Eat well, sleep well, rest well, obvious I know, but certain foods can keep the anxious, exhausted mind in an anxiety state (Lots of info out there on foods to avoid while anxious, caffiene before bed for example).

Exercise, now I don't mean join a gym or run a marathon. A good walk, cycle ride, swim will do. I stopped a panic attack in it's track once, by grabbing my mountain bike (why I bought a mountain bike I don't know, there is no mountains around here for miles!!!) and went for a ride, and it occured to me that afterwords I felt, well ok (I wasn't cured by one bike ride :)). All that nervous energy was used up, so after the ride I was a little jitterly, but not climbing the walls in panic.

I will stop waffling on now :), but do accept this, the thought comes before the feelings. Lose the fear of the thought? and the feelings will eventualy diminish.

Good luck


paula lynne
18-01-12, 10:31
Excellent post by Jaco there! ^
I agree with everything that was said. Im thinking about going back to work part=time, after 10 years. You have proved to me that you can go back, and take your anxiety with you! The hardest part is over, youve done it for a week! Well done x

KNOW that these sensations wont hurt you. The less attention you pay to it, the less control it has over you. It will get better as you get used to the workplace, new colleagues, where everything is, the work schedule........x
Eat well, every 2-hrs, to keep adrenaline at bay), take fresh air every day, laugh at your body when it wont co-operate knowing its just sensations, not some terrible disease. Nothing wrong with popping to the loos with a paper bag if you feel its taking over, re=breathing can nip it in the bud. If you take any medications, see your GP for a review.

Youve done amazingly well, give yourself some credit! Take your anxiety with you, give it permission..."Oh palpatations/sweats/dizzy/headache...Ive got to go to work, come with me if you like, but Im busy, so I havent got time to pay attention to you today!"....it will soon realise YOU are in control NOT IT. Go about your day regardless, and act like you havent got it. Sucking mints helps me, as does really concentrating on the task at hand.

All the best to you, go for it!
Paula x