View Full Version : Scared of getting a clot on the lung

17-01-12, 20:02
I heard this story about a young girl on the combined pill who was getting breathlessness on and off... Then one day she suddenly died, and at post-mortem they found she'd had a DVT and had been breaking off small clots which travelled to her lung, then the whole clot shifted to her lungs and she died suddenly from that. I have been thinking about it way too much over the last couple of days. One of the symptoms of my anxiety can be breathlessness. And I am on the combined pill, have been for quite a few years now. It's hard to try and convince myself that I'm not at risk of popping my clogs from a lung clot any time soon!!! Help :-(

17-01-12, 22:19
That story was probably one girl out of hundreds of thousands of women who take the combined pill. How old are you and do you smoke? They are risk factors but even then the risk is incredibly small.
I read somewhere that the risk is not as high as it would be in pregnancy, where blood clots can happen because of increased blood volume and hormones.

Breathlessness is common in anxiety and now you are worrying about this, it is probably happening more!

Try not to worry, the risk really is small.