View Full Version : What pets do you have?

17-01-12, 21:34
I find my dogs a great source of stress relief.... they say just stroking a pet relieves stress, the repetitive action is calming....
I have a Siberian Husky girl called Sky, she is neally 8yrs, and i have an Alaskan Malamute boy called Storm, he is neally 5yrs... They are such a handful, hyper loony breeds, not for the faint hearted, but i love them to bits... they keep me going most days!
Of course they can cause stress too !!!!!! my boy is peeing around the house at the moment, dont know why hes suddenly started this!! hes got a month to sort it or its the chop for him!! my girl was done years ago as a pup, so shes not causing him to do this....

So what pets do you have? and do they help your anxiety???

17-01-12, 21:45
Adore dogs Stormsky :)

Havent got my own now after my collie died two years ago . I adored her .
Love the breeds you own ..........beautiful noble dogs .
Can you let them off the leash ? or do they head for the hills and keep running .

I have loan of my sons loony beagle /basset cross some days ...........if I let him off leash he would never be seen again daft mutt . Scent and pack hound and deaf to commands :winks:
snow x

17-01-12, 21:45
Hi. i have a yorkie called rosie she is 5 years old.

when i was at my worse she would just lie beside me, and she seemed to know i was ill.

i find her a great help, just taking her a walk motivates me, and she is always up for a cuddle.

I would'nt be without her............she's my best friend.

17-01-12, 21:50
Adore dogs Stormsky :)

Havent got my own now after my collie died two years ago . I adored her .
Love the breeds you own ..........beautiful noble dogs .
Can you let them off the leash ? or do they head for the hills and keep running .


they do go off lead in a field, but just keep running!! come back in their own time if your lucky! and hope not cows or horses are around... the husky has herded a load of cows and horses before now, very scary, and i know she could be shot be a farmer... we have to be careful! they are VERY intelligent, too much so, take a lot of stimulating 24/7... They are stunning lookers though, cant walk them without being stopped every few steps for a stroke by someone... my boy loves the beach, we runs up and down the beach, in and out of the waves, lovely to watch him... dont let husky off on beach though, she ran off to main road last time we did...

17-01-12, 21:57
I have two kiitens at the moment they don't releave any stress just cause it. There names are jess and flo. In london I have 3 boxers who I adore Bruno, Tyson and Lennox :) x

17-01-12, 22:23
I have 3 cats and when I cry they all come over to me and sit on my lap. I think they know I'm upset. They sleep on my bed at night and I find it really comforting to put my hand on them in the night.

18-01-12, 00:46
I have 4 greyhounds. Stanley, Séamus, Toby and Lance. I have also fostered many other greyhounds and have Monty here with me at the moment - until he finds a forever home. I could not imagine my life without lots of dogs in it :)

All of my dogs have been castrated and I strongly advise other people to have their dogs done. Not only does it stop them 'marking' in the house, they are calmer, it stops them running away when a girly is in season, stops unwanted puppies, plus it has health benefits too. A dog that has been castrasted obviously won't get testicular cancer and are very, very unlikely to have prostrate problems. Also they don't hump your Aunt's leg! :winks::woof

18-01-12, 09:02
I've got a 12yr old chocolate labrador, a green cheek conure parrot and 8 chickens. Out of all of them I actually find the chickens the most relaxing and some days the only reason I go out of the house is to clean them out and feed them. Some of them are rescue hens that had spent all their short lives in those cramped cages and it's been a delight to see them change from nervy featherless hens into beautiful happy hens. I look at them and think if they can survive the cruelties of how they were kept and be so happy then anything is possible :D

18-01-12, 11:44
I have a tabby tortishell cat at my mums house. I love her to bits she definately knows when I'm sad as she comes up to me meowing. She was a rescue cat and was badly treated and so shy I cried when I saw her. Its gives me a warm feeling seeing her now.

I'm moving out my parents house in a few weeks and can't make up my mind whether to get kittens or a puppy. I can't imagine living without animals.

18-01-12, 13:14
I have a tabby tortishell cat at my mums house. I love her to bits she definately knows when I'm sad as she comes up to me meowing. She was a rescue cat and was badly treated and so shy I cried when I saw her. Its gives me a warm feeling seeing her now.

I'm moving out my parents house in a few weeks and can't make up my mind whether to get kittens or a puppy. I can't imagine living without animals.

Maybe giving another rescue cat or dog would be perfect for you?

18-01-12, 13:53
I have two gorgeous little dogs. Bolly is 2.5, her dad is a havanese and her mum a poodle so that makes her a 'Havapoo'! We got maggie, a miniature poodle as company for her and she's 8 months. They both go off lead unless absolutely necessary and run for miles most days chasing squirrels. They go everywhere with us, even sea kayaking and have their own little life jackets. x

william wallace
22-01-12, 14:35
This is Meggy my ESS, she 12 years old and comes just about averywhere with me. She always knows when I'm not feeling well and rarely leaves my side.

22-01-12, 15:23
Dogs are such amazing companions aren't they !!! :D

I have two border collies, 2 rabbits and two tortoises. They really do destress me.

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....oh and stick insects! Also adore my garden birds and have stacks of feeders up.

22-01-12, 15:23
I have 2 japancse akitas willow and alfie iv allways had akitas and iv never had a prop with any of them .

22-01-12, 15:24
i've got 2 beautiful balck cats. I used to foster ctas for the charity, but 2 years ago there was no way these two brothers could be aprted from me!! They are so crucial if I'm feeling down. Even cat haters love them, they are incredible affectionate and win you over.

mmm, Bluey is on my chest now purring. and helps me type! xxxxxxxx

22-01-12, 17:03
aghhh lovely replies everyone... pets do make you feel good... heres a pic of my 2

22-01-12, 20:06
Look at those lovely big woolly fur-babies !!! They are gorgeous.

23-01-12, 05:31
lovely pics. i have 3 dogs = 2collies and one beautiful leonberger. 2 cats 7parrots 2 chinchillas and chucks 'n' ducks. at one time the only thing that seemed to register with me was forcing myself to walk my dogs and we used to walk for hours....

23-01-12, 13:24
Have to share these pics of STORM at 6wks and 10 months old- he was HUGE

23-01-12, 13:26
cant pick him up anymore!! hes 4yrs old now!

23-01-12, 13:28
Musnt forget my husky...some pics of her...

23-01-12, 14:12
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, so so lovely !!! :o)))))

william wallace
23-01-12, 15:02
Wow they're gorgeous, you have to get a sledge:D

23-01-12, 15:04
....and 4 more doggies to help pull it !!! lol

Meggy's dear little 'knowing' face is so beautiful too. :o)

23-01-12, 15:14
I think Meggie is saying 'Where's me coat?' lol

william wallace
23-01-12, 15:25
I must say Tish, it was a very cold day to be on Loch Oich, like -12c, but thats when she's happiest, cold, wet, shivering and having a ball:)

---------- Post added at 15:25 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

....and 4 more doggies to help pull it !!! lol

Meggy's dear little 'knowing' face is so beautiful too. :o)

Good point Carys, maybe one of those plastic ones you get from B&Q?
Yep Meggy's a lovely girl, and very fit for 12:)

23-01-12, 18:49
I have my gorgeous black cat Jet who ive had since he was 5 weeks old, hes now nearly 3! he got run over when he was 1 but fortunatly after a long battle (and expensive!!) hes left with just a small limp now, i was such a mess when he was ran over, was rocking and crying and begging the vets to save him :blush: hes like my second child xx

04-02-12, 01:41
I recently lost my dog to cancer over Christmas, he was my best friend and I miss him dearly. He was a dog that we rehomed from a rescue centre. We're considering rescuing another one in the near future. My other pets are 2 pet rats

04-02-12, 02:34
I rescued a cat 1 year ago . Till then I had always had pet dogs. And so I have a cat:) His name is Ennis (Gaelic for freedom). He was in a cage at a cat rescue centre when I found him.

No trouble at all to look after but I knew from day one this would be a life commitment. Don't think I could live with myself if I got rid of him . Besides; I wouldn't even think of it. :)

blue moon
04-02-12, 03:38
I would love to have pets,love a dog but have no fence to keep in.My pet at the moment is husband...:blush:

15-07-12, 15:33
I have two dogs. :)

15-07-12, 17:32
I have a black labrador who is now 6 months, who we bought as a 8week old pup. I have found he has been a great distraction to my anxiety and panic problems. The feeling of achievement when he learns a new trick or responds well to training, the sitting and snuggling on the sofa, and walks to the park or forest to 'get away from it all' have helped greatly. Plus he doesnt mind if we go somewhere in the car, I then start to panic a wee bit and decide I want to get home, unlike the kids who will complain and put me under pressure.

15-07-12, 19:28
I have a lovely Westie pup Poppy she is 9 months old and so mischievious - lost my "other girl" westie Hollie in October suddenly - nearly 14 years - could never be without one.

15-07-12, 19:38
I have a border terrier cross who we rescued several years ago when he was 8 months old. Hes called Merlin, sadly last October he caught his leg down a rabbit hole and broke his elbow. He had 3 ops to try and pin it which all failed so he had to have his leg removed. He is fine and can do everything he could before and can beat greyhounds in running! Sad Tho. Takes me 3 times as long to walk him cos everyone is always asking what happened to his leg.
Also got a very pretty tortoiseshell and white cat who only loves my husband, I dont exist as far as shes concerned, Called Tuppence.


15-07-12, 23:25
got two dogs a 11 year old border collie who has been my best buddy for the past 11 years and a 4 months old bitchon frise who is keeping me on my toe being a cheeky little chap. would say dogs are better company than people !! lol also have about 15 different types of fish in a aquarium they are really relaxing to watch!

08-09-12, 12:25
I have two cats, both getting on a bit now being 15 years old.
I love them to bits :)

08-09-12, 12:59
A stray cat I took in and her three kittens. I am the stereotypical mad cat woman!!!! :D Yes, I find cats very entertaining and relaxing. The kittens sleep with me. Waking to three little furry bundles always makes me smile :)

08-09-12, 13:12
I have a ginger and white tom cat who i love. Only think i hate is cleaning his litter tray.

08-09-12, 13:24
I have a boxer dog called Wilson he just turned 2, he's so fun and loving and when im down he always tries to cheer me up :')

08-09-12, 14:12
I have a Dog. & Name of my dog is Bruno. Its colour is black

08-09-12, 18:39
Serenite - I too am the stereotypical 'mad cat woman' at the end of the street. Great isn't it? :yesyes:

26-09-12, 22:27
but my nana has a border terrier called rosie she is 12 now bless her and shes the sweetest dog ever in my biased opinion lol

26-09-12, 22:33
I cldnt be without my malamute....pic attached

26-09-12, 23:01
We have two ferrets, an ancient Corn snake, and some tropical fish :)

28-09-12, 21:56
my mal today begging for cake !!

28-09-12, 22:18
I have a 2 year old cat called Chai He is a Siamese/Bengal cross

28-09-12, 22:52
I am the mad dog woman, a Spaniel called Bobby, a Cockapoo(Poodle/Spaniel cross) called Dottie and a very naughty Greyhound Poppy who will not grow old gracefully. She spend's most of her time at my Mum's house now because she hate's BobbyDog, but I have her at the moment because my Mum is in Turkey for 2 month's, how the other half live.
Oh, I also have a cold water fish tank.

28-09-12, 23:32
I have a Yorkshire terrier, a border collie and 2 gerbils, I love my little furry friends, they make me smile and tell me they love me every single day :) x

17-10-12, 00:30
I have 3 cats; Toby - a 14 year old black male, Jade - a 1 year old black Ragdoll X, and Holly - a 1 year old black & white Devon Rex.

I also have 2 hamsters, George & Cupcake.

I might upload photos later (if I can find some!)

fozzy is crying
17-10-12, 00:59
None. Bears are not allowed them as they can not look after them.

15-11-12, 19:45
I have a black rescue cat called Phoebe. EJ

15-11-12, 21:01
My daughters have a black rabbit. I cuddle with him every day:)

15-11-12, 22:50
i have a little shorkie tzu (yorkie/shih tzu), he,s two yrs old now, was bought by my kids for my 50th birthday, i,d always had dogs but didnt have one at the moment, he was 8 weeks old n he as been my rock, from the day i got him hes given me love every day, unconditional love, hes there wen i need a hug, he gives me a kiss when i ask for one, sits on the back of the sofa n wraps himself round the back of my neck on a morning warming my neck while i drink my coffee and ensures i get at least some excersise everyday n daylight, which gives me a lift, i still have bad days but it helps having him there to love back n i know i,m never alone, hes so sweet n cheeky too, cant imagine him not being there now

16-11-12, 00:10
i have a pet rabbit called barbara , she is frankly the love of my life!!!!

16-11-12, 02:01
I have 2 cats.

Both are female. One is a tortoise shell and one is a tabby. They are both very different in personalities. Miss Molly, the tortoise shell, is the "lady" of the house and Sophie most certainly isn't!!!! lol......she is a law unto herself and everything is on her terms and her terms only:winks:

Having said that, I love and adore both of them :D

16-11-12, 15:17
I have a little staff pup called Eric, love him to bits, he puts a smile on my face everyday! Such a cheeky little chappy and very friendly!

Just got back from a big walk with him and all this walking makes me feel less stressed :)

12-12-12, 23:49
My new kitten http://https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/68664_10152294427870587_637785785_n.jpg

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03-01-13, 03:44
I have 2 brother cats called Otep and Willow. They definitely cheer me up and make me feel loved, expect when they're fighting! Don't know what I'd do without them to be honest, they're only 2 and a half but I can't remember or imagine life without them.

09-05-13, 21:35
Hi All
I had 3 Dobermanns and only have one now due to their old age , The one I have now is Rogue she is 7 years old born in this house , I also have a siamese aged 4 both get on very well together and sleep on my bed , Rogue is my constant companion , love them both they are my babies .:):D

11-05-13, 21:11
I had a rescue greyhound who passed away in 2011. He was a one off, a lovely boy.
I found this last winter without pets, REALLY hard. So I have adopted two Cats, one big Tabby bruiser and his little smooth jet black Sister. They are wonderful.. feels like they have always been here. They are my shadows and comfort.:D

rachel m
12-06-13, 16:49
I have always had rottweilers. I think they have had an hard time in the past due to the press and their reputation. My view is if you train them and treat them right they are just as loving and loyal as any other dog. my gorgeous boy brodie is 7 now and as lovely as ever. :)

12-06-13, 18:20
I have always had rottweilers. I think they have had an hard time in the past due to the press and their reputation. My view is if you train them and treat them right they are just as loving and loyal as any other dog. my gorgeous boy brodie is 7 now and as lovely as ever. :)

Firm but kind is the way to go... I've had 2 rotties, my last Zack was an angel, been 6 yrs since he died, still miss him...

12-06-13, 20:40
Posted this in the other pets thread, didn't see this one lol, so i'll post it again here.

I have a dog, she will turn 6 in august it's hard to believe we've had her so long it still feels like only yesterday that she was a puppy. When she was a puppy sadly she was attacked by another dog in the local park, which wasn't on a lead even though there were signs everywhere saying dogs must be on leads at all times. She wasn't hurt but ever since then she will growl at other dogs which she doesn't know, even though she gets on really well with a newfoundland which lives near us. (it's hilarious when you see them sat next to each other, it's paw is bigger than her head lol)

Other than that she is a typical terrier, very inquisitive and I would be lost without her. It's always great to come home to her wagging her tail and trying to lick you to death lol

18-07-13, 14:30
I have a Westie puppy (well I call him a puppy he's one now), who I got for my 21st birthday after my labrador died on my birthday aged 15 :(

My poor little pup has had so many problems in his short life, skin infections, eye infections, ear infections, allergic reactions causing his mouth to swell shut, now hes just had to have a claw off because he'd broken it.

He's most definitely my whole life, he was my light in my darkest of times and although he completely ignores any command I've taught him unless it includes a treat, I know he loves me. Everytime I walk out the door he looks sad and he waits by the door for me to come back and then he looks so happy.

Definitely one of the best things to ever happen to me.

18-07-13, 14:42
I am going to uni (moving out, yey) this year and i've decided i'll adopt a pet, since i don't want to live all by myself, i like to care for a cute creature and...well, i love animals!
So, since i am a pretty undecisive person, i don't know if i want to adopt a hamster, a cat or a rabbit...

18-07-13, 16:26
I posted my dogs on my intro post will post 'em again here! I have a jack russell, basset hound and cocker spaniel! :D



---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

I am going to uni (moving out, yey) this year and i've decided i'll adopt a pet, since i don't want to live all by myself, i like to care for a cute creature and...well, i love animals!
So, since i am a pretty undecisive person, i don't know if i want to adopt a hamster, a cat or a rabbit...

lol I'm not 100% sure how true this all is - but I spoke to someone online a while back who had a few hamsters - and they sounded reaaaaaaal 'interesting'! Like lil' tyrants... hehe :D

18-07-13, 16:32
Ally - they are truly gorgeous. I absolutely love animals... sometimes more than humans. It's unconditional. I lost my pure white 17 year old cat Posy last year and was beyond heartbroken. We went through so much together and she was my best friend. The biggest honour I could pay her was by adopting another baby in need of a loving home. Pepper is my new best friend and is the funniest cat I know. She acts like a dog and makes us laugh so much. Wouldn't be without her! xx

18-07-13, 16:41
Aww bless! :hugs: Am so sorry...

I too lost a pet last year - Blue. She was a mix of German Shepherd and Husky... had a problem with her immune system. Well - you read about it on my other post. lol Anyhoo...

I wish I could have a cat - LOVE kitties! But these 3 are unpredictable and I'm too scared they'll hurt the kitty. :unsure:

Molly is the Jack Russell - thinks she's Beaulah (Basset) now and then - identity crisis. She's very brave - saves me from Parktown Prawns, and spends a lot of her time jumping up and down on the wall outside trying to get to the birdies. lol She just doesn't get it... and I always tell her they're just gonna poop on her head. ;D Molly and Beaulah play, a lot. Have you ever heard a Basset bark? lol Headache material I tell ya...

And Juni - the Spaniel, is a princess. Not very playful. Loves anything comfy, and hates to be outside too much.

I put 'em all out in the morning once the sun hits the patio for a few hours so they can be "real" dogs, for a little while at least. :roflmao:

My mom breeds Jack Russells - so I've grown up always having pets around. We are really lucky to have them...

Erm FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parktown_prawn

18-07-13, 17:19
Ally your dogs are gorgeous!

I would post a pic of mine but I don't know how to lol!

We used to have a Jack Russell, we inherited him from my nan when she died and he was horrific, he used to jump onto the kitchen table and run around the place barking his head off like a nutter even when he was about 12, it was only when he got to 15/16 that he started to slow down.

18-07-13, 19:09
lol Ah shame! That's quite funny. :D Poor lil' guy... Jack's have so much character. Sometimes my mom gets 'em returned - people can't handle them. lol

I'm not sure how to put a pic up here without uploading it to a server first. If you send it my way, I'll upload it for you. :)

18-07-13, 19:38
Ally your dogs are gorgeous!

I would post a pic of mine but I don't know how to lol!

We used to have a Jack Russell, we inherited him from my nan when she died and he was horrific, he used to jump onto the kitchen table and run around the place barking his head off like a nutter even when he was about 12, it was only when he got to 15/16 that he started to slow down.

Go to the advanced reply box. Click on the paper clip icon. It will bring up a box to get a picture from your files. Download the photo then click on the paper clip again.

18-07-13, 19:41


My Siamese Seal Point

18-07-13, 19:43

My Silver Bengal

18-07-13, 19:45
Don't ask me how my kitten managed to get in that position :D
I don't know where I would be without these 2 they look after me so well :D

19-07-13, 10:03
Hopefully you can see it..

This is my puppy Alfie chilling out on my bed after one of his many operations


19-07-13, 10:14
Adorable! I have hundreds of pics of Sophie (cat, 18) on Facebook.

I've also found it hard to link pictures on here, but I did start a thread in Pets which has a link to one of my albums. How do you get pics into the body of your message?

19-07-13, 10:21
Awww gorgeous kitties!!!!!!!!! :D Love!!!!

And Alfie - what a sweetie noodle! :yesyes: !!!!!!!

19-07-13, 20:59
Adorable! I have hundreds of pics of Sophie (cat, 18) on Facebook.

I've also found it hard to link pictures on here, but I did start a thread in Pets which has a link to one of my albums. How do you get pics into the body of your message?

Go to the advanced reply box. Click on the paper clip icon. It will bring up a box to get a picture from your files. Download the photo then click on the paper clip again.

19-07-13, 23:53

20-07-13, 00:08

20-07-13, 17:35
Aww Sophie is lovely as are all the adorable pets on here.

20-07-13, 17:49
1924Storm with my nieces boyfriend ...

20-07-13, 17:50
Aw, gorgeous!!

20-07-13, 17:58
]Sky and Storm hassling my mum..

20-07-13, 18:00
I bet Storm and Sky take some feeding :D They are beautiful dogs.

20-07-13, 18:00
I bet Storm and Sky take some feeding :D They are beautiful dogs.

They cost £35 a week!

20-07-13, 18:20
1927storm as a puppy...

20-07-13, 18:35
Awwwweee, storm & sky are beautiful!!

26-07-13, 12:48

This is our kitty Dexter, he's 2 in August. He thinks he's the king of the house (or the world!) He stays indoors because we live on a main road and my friend who lives not far away, her cat died on the road near me :( Dexter is a cutie even though he thinks he is superior to us all ;) I think that's a cat thing!

---------- Post added at 12:48 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

1927storm as a puppy...

AWWW your husky? is so cuteeee! I would love a husky dog :)

28-07-13, 10:24
I love being around animals, find mine great therapy.

I have a dog, two cats, two gerbils and a fish. If I could, I'd fill my house with more but think I'm set for a while!

07-08-13, 23:20

AWWW your husky? is so cuteeee! I would love a husky dog :)[/QUOTE]

No Becky, Storms a malamute. :):)

07-08-13, 23:25
I have some small animals that I adopted from a rescue (5 mice and a roborovski hamster) and a dog. :) Walking late at night with my dog relaxes me. Unless it's very late then I get anxious about what kind of crazy people are lurking about - me! lol!

21-08-13, 13:15
Ah, animals, i love my beautiful animals :3

I have..
1 cat - called Lucky
2 guinea pigs - Patch & Fudge
1 hamster - Teddy
2 rabbits - Flopsie & Suttie

They cheer me up when i get home <3 xx

24-09-13, 19:53
I have a 10 month old male Akita pup, a female cross Akita pup 9 months, a Siamese cat, a normal cat, geckos and a baby tortoise ! ..... And I spend everyday of my entire life worrying about them

24-05-14, 09:57
Three lovely dogs and two guiena pigs xx

24-05-14, 09:59
Two cats! One is 4 years old, the other is 9 months ... we got her in January. I adore them!!! Great company when my husband has to travel a lot for work :)

04-06-14, 20:14
I'm lucky to have two great dogs in my life. My oldest is Cosworth at 7 yrs. and my little boy is Eddie at 5 yrs. Cosworth was first and we loved having him but eventually we decided he needed a pal, so along came Eddie. Cos is a moody and temperamental sort, just like me, while Eds is going to be perpetually a puppy. His sense of wonder at everything and bottomless desire for play help me when the times get dark. When the tears come, Eddie is a trooper, sitting or laying right next to me, getting squeezed and soaked. Cosworth bears witness from a distance, but hey at least he sorta sticks around. Cosworth is a mixture of treeing walker hound, dalmation, and who knows what else. Eddie Bear looks like a lab who was left in the dryer too long, and we know he has Norweigian lundehound in him due to extra toes on his back feet. They were both adopted from shelters and they both have been the most spectacular companions throughout the years. They always cheer me up and give me hope. I always pray that one day they'll know in their hearts just how much they mean to us.:)

04-06-14, 20:20
Your dogs sound lovely Winjammer :)

04-06-14, 21:26
Hello, yes I have lots.All of them I have rescued for one reason or another.One shorkie black and white dog named Angel.He is a great friend too me and just love him to bits.I have cats and find petting them at bedtime really helps me fall asleep.Bunnies and birds.They are all here safe and sound until their time is up.Sme have been through hell but not here only tons of love all kept indoors and find they all help me through out my day.I could not survive without pets i find them so much better companions as they never judge you no matter what kind of day you are having.I hope you are all having a better day than your last one.xo:)

05-06-14, 02:03
I have a cat called Joey. He kinda follows me around the garden as he's very shy and has always been nervous.

The pic is from when he was a kitten.

Dolly Daydream
05-06-14, 11:47
I had to have my 19-year old cat put to sleep in November last year which distraught me no end and added to my despair. BUT I had anticipated this life event and that I would feel lost and lonely so adopted a rescue rabbit, who became a delightful house-bunny. All was going so well until she suddenly developed a condition called 'head-tilt'. I'm doing my best for her but now there are two un-Happy Bunnies living in the house! Oh dear, what am I to do?

05-06-14, 14:46
Thanks Annie. They are awesome. Dolly, I'm sorry to hear about your cat's passing, and very happy and admiring that you made the choice to adopt your bunny. A very wise move in spite of your sadness. All you can do is love the little girl as much as you can for as long as you can. Animals are blessed to live in the moment and they can teach us to do so. I do so hope everything works out for both you bunnies. Namaste. :)

25-06-14, 18:41

27-06-14, 10:40
Have an ex-racing greyhound... She was mistreated a lot in her earlier life, but she is making up for it now in our house, where she lives the life of luxury :D

19-03-15, 19:24
I want a cat again :( i currently have 2 Fischer lovebirds, 8 galaxy rasbora, about a dozen cherry shrimp, 1 amano shrimp, 1 Siamese algae eater, 3 nerite snails and 3 pygmy corydoras. A

Dan Wales
28-03-15, 16:30
I have a dog called Oscar.

13-04-15, 21:39
I have two cats they were 2 yesterday a brother and sister, the boy is a cross maine coon and his sister just a daintly little all black short haired .
I got them from a cat shelter in 2013 when my beautiful little cat got killed by a boy racer , i couldn't stand the house without a cat so got two as they didn't want them seperating .

william wallace
14-04-15, 00:08
I'm better now, and rarely post, but just thougfht I'd mention that I still have my English Springer Spaniel Meg who is fourteen, and Salem my black cat who is twenty this year.
Recently I restarted an old hobby, fishkeeping and breeding. I did this back in the 80's long before depression and anxiety took over my life.
I have a 10ft x 6ft shed, insulated and filled with about 40 tanks of various sizes.
I only keep fishes from Lake Tanganyika in the Rift Valley of Africa.
I spend hours in there just watching their behaviour, the parental care is amazing to see, where the parent would die to protect their young, as we would.

14-04-15, 09:02
I'm better now, and rarely post, but just thougfht I'd mention that I still have my English Springer Spaniel Meg who is fourteen, and Salem my black cat who is twenty this year.
Recently I restarted an old hobby, fishkeeping and breeding. I did this back in the 80's long before depression and anxiety took over my life.
I have a 10ft x 6ft shed, insulated and filled with about 40 tanks of various sizes.
I only keep fishes from Lake Tanganyika in the Rift Valley of Africa.
I spend hours in there just watching their behaviour, the parental care is amazing to see, where the parent would die to protect their young, as we would.

How did you post a pic i tried and couldn't do it lol

william wallace
14-04-15, 09:22
How did you post a pic i tried and couldn't do it lol

You need to put the pic on a hosting site like photobucket, then copy and paste the URL into the "insert image" above.:)

19-05-16, 04:42
I have a teacup poodle named Suzie.
I also have a grandog, Siberian Huskey/Border Collie cross, his name is Mr. Wilson!

08-06-16, 06:15

08-06-16, 06:47
I've got a Shih Tzu. Here he is at 6 months old. He's 9 years now.


What's a grandog and a teacup poodle, Mugs? Mr Wilson, very formal, is he a bit posh? :biggrin:

08-06-16, 08:26
I have a nearly 5 year old collie/american bulldog cross called Lola who is quite messed up (she's a rescue) and a 19 month old Golden Retriever, Zico, who's just had his balls off!

I also have a cat, Redford, who was my Dad's and became mine when Dad died. I've always been a cat person and always had at least one cat but when I decided/realised I wasn't going to have kids I got Lola.

08-06-16, 15:25
Terry, he is so cute! What's his name?

A teacup poodle I is a little poodle, weighs about 5 pounds. Much smaller than a cat.
My grandog is my son's dog ( grandson?)
Yes, Mr. Wilson is very handsome and he knows it. His blue eyes melt your heart.
His picture is in my profile.

Shaz, poor Zico! All for the best though right?
I love cats too. Nothing cuddles nicer than a cat!:)

09-06-16, 06:48
Mr Wilson is a beauty. My brother and his GF have got a collie. There is a collie rescue centre not far from my city (I bet you would love that!) and they went there. They do a lot of walking trips so always like to have a dog that loves the exercise. Whenever they reach a beach he is straight in the water. Their last one died as she was old. There new one, Watson, is lovely with a great temperament. He's very short-haired.

My dog's name is Bertie. He knows he is cute, he uses that on us all the time.

So, a teacup poodle is a toy breed then? I bet she could fit in your handbag.

Ah, I'm with you on the grandog now.

09-06-16, 10:04
I've got cat and rabbit:)

09-06-16, 21:37
The wife and I have a Pixie Bob cat. His full name is "Bobcat Legends Socrates Ulysses" but we call him Socrates, Booger, Boo Boo or Handsome :) He's 5 1/2 and weighs in a healthy 17lbs. Yes, he's a big boy and he looks like a wildcat!

Positive thoughts

10-06-16, 00:55
Have 2 cats a black and white shorthair called Dora who is 3 and a Calico called Tish who is 18 xx

11-06-16, 06:47
Terry, yes she can and does fit in my handbag.:mad:
Bertie is a good name, he looks a bit like a Havanese. I met one of these puppies last week, it was so sweet, very soft, cuddly and very mild temperment.

Fishmanpa, I looked up Pixie Bob cat, they look fabulous! I love cats:)

Spanish, 2 cats eh? And 1 is 18, good for you:D:D

11-06-16, 07:09
Never heard of a Havanese before. Just Googled for some pics (little beauties!) and they do look quite a bit like Shih Tzu's. Closer than the Lasso Apso which they are normally most linked with.

Ha ha, does she like routing through your handbag? Or perhaps thinks why bother walking everywhere when mum can carry me? :yesyes:

12-06-16, 00:37
I had one cat who we took in who lived till last year who was 20 odd he was a beautiful black shorthair and had 3 legs, my brother named him Skippy xx

18-06-16, 06:14
:) Skippy, good name for him!
Thanks for sharing.

06-05-18, 07:19
Two cats we adopted from the shelter, and a mini cocker spaniel