View Full Version : holiday fear

13-06-06, 11:34
just some advice would be good from anyone...going on holiday on thursday..dreading it cos im petriffied im going to have a panic on the plane or im not going to be able to control myself with these dreadful symptoms...not on meds just relie on rescue remedy...
cant help thinking im going to be ill on holiday or collapse...
as anyone else felt like this but managed to have a good holiday..
worse still we have a 3 and 1 year old and im gonna have to put on a brave face for them...i dont want to ruin their holiday as my 3 year old is so excited..im worrying as we have to be up very early and scared lack of sleep will make me worse..please any advice would be good...

also this is so typical got a letter this morning should have had my first CBT appointment on thursday but seeing as though im gonna be in portugal i cant go (feeling it would have been an assessment though)

13-06-06, 11:56
hi there

just wanted to let you know that I felt the same last month about going away on holiday - and had all the same fears, what if I take ill, whta if I panic on the plane, whta if I dont cope. We also had an early morning flight and I was worried about lack of sleep.

I did manage to go and like you rely on rescue remedy and bottles of water. I focussed on the things I would enjoy about the holiday and each time I had a negative thought, I turned it around to be one of excitement. Rather than panic at the airport, I looked forward to going and even on the flight, I relaxed by reading through the leaflets, chatted away to the flight attendants and controlled my breathing. Also when I was away, I made sure I never got too tired, ate small and often, drank plenty water, stayed out of the sun at peak times, and concentrated on what the other people around me were doing. I also told myself that so what if I had a panic attack, I have dealt with them so many times before and I have coped. The more we worry about it happening the worse our anxiety becomes.

I am sure you will have plenty of distraction with your kids to keep you busy and your mind on other things.

I will be thinking about you on thursday and hope it all goes well for you and your family - try to relax so you can enjoy yourself


........life is for living not just for surviving

13-06-06, 12:04
Hi there, i have just got back from my hols in Cyprus. I posted before i went, was worried sick! But i really surprised myself and had a fab time! (read about it in success stories) I found having children with me a bonus as you can concentrate on their enjoyment and of course they will keep you busy!

Have a Great time Love India xx

13-06-06, 14:37
Hi there, felt i had to reply to your post, cos a year or so was exactly the same (although my kids were a little older) Yes i was terrified of absolutely everything, the flight, the early start, lack of sleep/food, trying to 'pretend' everything was good, you name it! BUT I had a very good flight and an excellent holiday. I made our apartment our home from home, took all the little bits that helped me (I, too, take no meds) You will feel a little apprehensive, everyone does when they go on holiday, it is excitement, but i think our bodies sometimes interpret it as anxiety?You will not be ill nor will you collapse,and most importantly your kids will love it, as you will, please keep in touch and let us know what a fab time you had!!! xx

13-06-06, 14:43
Hello there,
I havent posted for a good while,but I do pop on here when I get time to see how everyone is doing.Hello!

Just wanted to reply to your post as I know exactly how you feel.I was just like you about flying and I also felt very insecure away form home,when my panic was bad.I got through it by preperation(make yourself a rescue pack that you can carry evrywhere with you....rescue remedy,water,whatever helps you normally...I found that as long as I had it on me i never needed it!).Also distraction....although with 2 little kids you probably will have enough to keep you occupied!But a good book.Some music you can put on and close your eyes to..pretend you arent on a plane helps me.Also think positive!Remember you are going on holiday!Remember that there is no reason for you to collapse.Your syptoms whilst making you feel terrible cant hurt you!It is your own anxiety that gives you these syptoms not the place/situation

If its any consolation I went to New York in December last year and survived it!Just come back form Majorca and am off to Prague in August.Two years ago I couldnt leave the house on my own.The fear before is always worse than the reality...honestly.Once you are on your holiday where you are staying will become your 'safe place'.You will be fine.Make your fears excitment and you will be there and in the sunshine before you know it.

Good luck xx

21-03-17, 17:36
Never flown never had real holiday , 1 trigger and that's me gone so never put myself in firing line:wacko: