View Full Version : Heart again, scared and please answer soon :/

18-01-12, 00:43
I was at Zumba tonight and my heart skipped a couple times, which I HATE when it happens during exercise because I think I am going to drop dead. I have had these blasted things for 4 years.
How long do the tests they run be stay ok?
And does anyone get these when they exercise?
Does anyone gets palps when
1. The chest muscles are extremely tight?
2. Breath incorrectly?
3. The back needs an adjustment? (I am out between my shoulders blades...

I left my class early and was in tears when I got home, my hubby says I am fine, but I need more that.

18-01-12, 00:45
I know it's almost cliche to say this but i would put it down to anxiety.

I usually get what you described during intense cardio. Just try and relax.

18-01-12, 00:48
I get it too. In the end I stopped exercising because I was so worried about why it was happening.

It is just anxiety I would say. I know for me I thought as soon as I started exercising I would get a heart attack or something! Then I would hyperventilate while doing any physical exercise!

I don't know what to suggest as I can't fix myself so just wanted to let you know your not alone! x

18-01-12, 01:08
Absolutley normal and because ur adding the worry to them they are making you more anxious and made you leave your class.

Go to your GP and have a chat, you will feel better for it!

18-01-12, 01:22
Thank you guys for answering so fast. I have had all the tests done, but the last one being about 1 1/2 years ago, so then I think - something has happened to my heart since then. But yeah, I get really scared I am going to drop dead, and I have the most beautiful 4 year old and great hubby...I don't want to have anything happen at least till my son is moved out. Dumb that I think like that, but what do you do??