View Full Version : twitching limbs down to stress/anxiety? please help!

18-01-12, 09:29
Hi everyone,
This is quite hard to describe. My limbs don't really twitch as such - its not like a pulsy thing that stops after 30 seconds its like when I'm sitting down and then my leg will suddenly jerk a bit. I don't think it's really that noticable but its happening involuntarily and that really worries me it might be a serious problem.
I am so worried its something neurological and its so weird just sitting here and having random jerks/twitches in my legs.
I'm so worried of having a brain tumour at the moment and I'm scared this could be "another symptom".

Please help, I'm going out of my mind here with worry! :weep:
Thank you!!

18-01-12, 10:21
i have this all the time..! legs/hands...sometimes cheeks...eyees...u name it i have it!
I dont know wha acauses all this...but i am thinking maybe its more likely anxiety..
I am in the process of just waiting to faint or something..so that i will be taken to a doc..hehe. I dont have the guts to go myself. But i am thinking maybe its Benign fasciculation syndrome ...BFS.
Its funny tho...u mention brain tumour...i ahve all thses symptoms..and i get headaches now and themn....but i am still not bothered with having brain tumour ( though i cud have...god knowS!)..i am more concerned wiht ms/als...:)
To each its own eh...?
Dont worry...just live. Live till you are destined to live...its much better than dying every minute of ur life in fear and dread!

We are all goin to die someday. Everyone. SO what is the big deal. If 99% of the people can live happily with that knowledge that they will all die some day...why cant we also??

We are all healthy..100% healthy...until we ar ACTUALLY proven otherwise by a certified professional :)

18-01-12, 10:45
if it helps, if you click on search under the No More Panic label and write in poll. There is a symptoms poll/questionnaire it has a lot of symptoms on there. It helped me identify my symptoms and still does. I know this list isnt exhaustive but most of them are on there. Hope this helps put your mind at rest. :hugs: