View Full Version : Natural products that helped my panic attacks !

18-01-12, 11:37
Okay so if you have been following my posts then you will know that I conquered my panic attacks not long ago. I still have the occasional anxious feeling but I feel so much better than I did about 6 months ago.

I thought I'd list a few things that helped me as I know its horrible having panic attacks and that not everyone wants to be on medication.


KALMS - you can get two types of these: Regular - which you can take during the day , and Night - which help you sleep at night. These helped me a lot during my periods of worry and stress. They reduce the worry and stress symptoms and make you feel relaxed.

RESCUE REMEDY DROPS - you simply squirt 4 drops of this onto your tongue and you should feel lovely and relaxed. Rescue remedy does a range of pastels, chewing gum , drops and tablets that all do similar things - make you relax!

The good thing about these medications is that the side affects are SUPER RARE. I have yet to come across a person that has had a side affect from these. They aren't dangerous (unless you take the whole lot in one go of course!) and they are completely natural!


I found a really good website that lists all the different foods that will boost different moods.


The foods I tried that actually worked were :


They help release the hormone Seratoin which is a HAPPY HORMONE


Ahh, exercise ..... the thing I least like haha. Exercise is proven to help boost seratoin levels and actually reduce depression symptoms and worry periods. By doing 30 minutes a day I promise you , you will feel a lot better.

I broke it down throughout the day. I did three 10 minute walks a day. After a week I noticed my happiness had increased A LOT.

It's a pain in the bum but its worth it!


By keeping yourself in a routine your body will feel better. By getting up early ,having a shower , making yourself look nice and going for a walk, it will make you feel better. It will make you feel like you have achieved something. Also , by adding an extra thing to your routine each time , it will boost your confidence because you have done something new =)

Okay , so I no these aren't all medications but they are things that really helped me. If you are like me and prefer the natural approach to recovery , these are the main things that will help you.

Hope this helps =)


18-01-12, 18:22
Great advice. I too use Kalms and Natracalm, also Dr Bach's Rescue Remedy spray for a quick fix -can't remember when I last had a full blown panic attack although I still have plenty of anxious thoughts
All the Best

18-01-12, 21:56
Kalms can have side effects tho :/

19-01-12, 11:24
Hey flo, yes they can but very rarely. Prescribed medication has higher side affect chances than kalms x

19-01-12, 11:46
Good sensible stuff as ever Littlehelper, especially the exercise advice.

19-01-12, 16:52
Yes i no they less common effects then perscribed meds :)