View Full Version : Worried : (

18-01-12, 14:45
Hey I noticed this morning that I have a tiny hard moveable lump on my leg under the skin..I'm going to the doctors later but I'm so worried he will say something bad..anyone else ever had this? Thanks

18-01-12, 14:56

My partner has a small moveable lump on his calf, he's had it for years. My 5 yo son has one on his back. He had an ultrasound and it was diagnosed as a lipoma (fatty tissue) and is harmless. What you describe sounds the same.

Hope you get some reassrance soon.

18-01-12, 14:56
Apparently, it's when a lump ISN'T moveable that it could be problematic. If it moves, it's generally a good thing.

Where on your leg is it?

18-01-12, 15:20
Thanks for the replies it's so tiny but I'm still worried..it's on the top of my leg under my knee quite near a bone..I'm going at 4.30 to the docs but I'm getting myself so worked up about it.x

18-01-12, 15:23
Pretty sure it'll be something harmless like gristle or lipoma. Have never heard of anything dodgy stemming from the knee area. :)

18-01-12, 15:26
Ive had one of those behind the knee for quite a few years. bakers cysts are quite common there.

18-01-12, 15:56
Don't worry at all, especially if it's movable. My boyfriend has about 3 or 4 - one on leg, one on each arm, and his back. His doc said lipoma (fatty tissue) and that not to be surprised if you get more over time. They are harmless, only remove it if it's really ugly or bothering you for some reason.

18-01-12, 17:21
Thanks for your comments and advice I have been to the docs he said it was just a gland and should go in a week or two but nothing to worry about..feel better but hate that I get myself so worked up..x

18-01-12, 17:56
There you go! Well done for going and checking it out :)

18-01-12, 18:40
Thanks Hun I nearly didn't go but glad I did..:) I just always think I'm going to be told the worst x x