View Full Version : Mega dizzy and weird head sensations?

18-01-12, 17:18
I have been dizzy for a few days and everytume I bend over and stand up again I feel lightheaded. My cbt man has said it is anxiety related along with my tired eyes. But I'm still not convinced its jut that and am worried it is bad! Help!!!

18-01-12, 17:50
It is anxiety. If you go into the 'Symptoms' topic, there is a thread on it now!

18-01-12, 17:53
I sometimes get something similar to this. Do you also get a weird "chill" on the back of your head as well?

18-01-12, 17:57
The head feelings thing is so common and differs between people. For example, I feel like my brain is floating in mush in my skull (!) and my mum feels like she has an elastic band tightening around her head...

18-01-12, 17:59
The head feelings thing is so common and differs between people. For example, I feel like my brain is floating in mush in my skull (!) and my mum feels like she has an elastic band tightening around her head...

Come to think of it it has stopped since i started taking citalopram. So must have been anxiety related.

18-01-12, 18:06
ye get it all the time.. my dizziness comes out of nowhere most the time, the best thing u can do is ignore it.. and it goes away quicker x