View Full Version : What helps to relax you when feeling anxious?

18-01-12, 18:07
For me it's the sound of running water. When i'm feeling anxious i will just lay on my bathroom floor and let the taps run. Helps me a lot. I'm even thinking about investing in a good indoor water fountain.

Any of you guys got anything that helps you?

18-01-12, 18:55
Recently, I have found some things that help. Firstly, I am trying to teach myself to breath deeply (a few deep breaths can really help to calm me down when my heart is racing and I'm shaking).

In the evenings, I am trying to get myself to sit down to do some deep breathing, some progressive muscle relaxation and/or a few minutes of meditation. I spend about 15 minutes at the moment but hoping to build up to doing about half an hour. I do feel relaxed after this and I hope I am undoing some of the effects of the stress and anxiety from earlier in the day.

I have also found hypnosis (which I had for another problem) very relaxing.

Some things that 'normal' people would find relaxing, like taking a long bath, can make my anxiety worse. Being alone in a bath really gets me thinking about my body and all that might be wrong with it. So I stick to showers and try to be as quick as I can. In fact it's almost as if I'm developing a phobia of my own body - I'm scared to look at myself in the mirror in case I notice something odd.

19-01-12, 10:57

I do that also as I am trying to reduce the amount of checking I do, I have found that some days covering myself up really helps. I am hoping this might lessen in the next few months.

It is a fine line between avoidance and not checking! I have found that after about three months of quick showering I am trying to slow down the shower without increasing the checking.

Currently I am trying to simply make the showers a bit longer - but only when I am focused on something else (like if my mind is busy on none health related issues)...baby steps! I took a bath for the firt time in years the other day, not in a hurry to repeat it, but I did get out as soon as I noticed myself looking at my body...it was nice and relaxing other than that! I tried to spend most of it laying with my eyes clsoed enjoying the water.

19-01-12, 11:40
Focusing on my pets, playing with the dogs or rabbits ! :D

19-01-12, 12:31
Today, it was wearing myself out in the swimming pool then sunbathing a little, followed by a steam bath. Got all the right, positive hormones running around my body.

Otherwise, I usually try calming music, or sometimes writing about my worries, and putting them into a more positive light.

19-01-12, 13:26
Michael Buble