View Full Version : cut my legs

18-01-12, 19:21
Hello, a minute ago i shaved my legs and cut them in a few differnent places, its been about 2o minutes and the cuts hhave not stopped bleeding aand are very sore, will i bleed to death or get septicema? I'll rephrase that, could that happen as I dont have any plasters or anything. Xx

18-01-12, 19:27
Were you shaving in the bath? The fact that you're warm (if you were) helps make you bleed more. Just sit down with your legs up ideally and they'll stop bleeding soon. You won't get septicemia, I've never even got a common-or-garden infection in a shaving cut (although I suppose it's possible)

18-01-12, 19:30
Yes I was shaving in the bath, than you that's put my mind at ease abit, im abit scared to go to sleep though in case they get infected as havnt got any plasters, I might have a doctors app ttmirriw so should I just mention it to them then?

18-01-12, 20:02
Hiya Beth :)
Dont worry about it. when you cut your self with a razor it takes a long time to stop bleeding. mine have taken well over 20 mins before. You will not get an infection from a cut hun. how many people cut there selves a day and we are all fine.

18-01-12, 22:11
Blimey - I do that ALL the time! Sometimes really deep and the blood runs right down my leg!

If you were in the bath, the water makes it seem like there's more blood than there is, and as a previous poster said, if ur warm that makes it worse too.

I really wouldn't worry about infection iess ur gonna go out and crawl around in the mud! Relax - u will be fine