View Full Version : have i thaught about it so much ive given myself it

mrs way to worried
18-01-12, 21:38
I always panic about lymph nodes the past couple of days I've got a major cold I felt my neck and under my chin I feel it and instant fear hits me under my chin in the midde ryt near my throat ( right side of course if u read any of my other posts I only suffer with problens on my right side )there's a lump its rock hard and doesn't move , I can't possibly go to the docs as he thinks of me as a liar that its all in my head but this lump is real maybe I've thaught to myself I have it I have it and it has formed this lump is sometimes painful I'm terrified feel like I should start planning my goodbyes the fear has taken over me someone help me I'm only 26

18-01-12, 21:42
Calm Down.

You have a cold. Lymph nodes swell and become hard when your body is fighting a cold/infection.

18-01-12, 21:43
Calm down.

Nodes come up when ur sick.

If it's still there a few weeks after your cold has gone, then get ur Gp to have a look.

I would be willing to bet it's down to the fact that ur unwell and ur body is fighting back.

I know it's hard, but try not to give it too much thought


18-01-12, 22:36
Ive had mine up for nearly three months mine, please don't keep touching it, i think thats why mine won't go down because I can't stop touching xx

18-01-12, 22:59
I know this all to well .. I have had a slighy enlarged one in my neck for years after getting a virus its never gotten any bigger an always shrinks down to nothing but i have days when my anxiety revolves around it! Thinking to myself its bigger!! And its act not .. I have also has ones raise in another area and behined my ear before xmas while fighting a cold and they have gone back to normal size now too .. Its a worry of mine too and always strts of my anxiety even telling myself its just anxiety! Dont always work