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18-01-12, 22:27
Is a CRP reading of 14 something to be concerned about. The range is to 10. What can cause this elevation?

18-01-12, 22:53
I have Crohn's diseae so for me it is an indication of whether I have inflammation in my system or not.

So generally it is an indicator of how well my Crohn's is managed

Why did the docs test for it?

19-01-12, 07:07
It was just done along with a lft, kft and fbc when I changed surgery.

19-01-12, 09:57
Its a marker for inflammation as Nicola says so can be from a huge number of causes. YOurs is not very high so your Dr iwll probably just repeat the test to see if it comes down and if not then they might look into doing more specific inflammation bloods but no need to worry yet!

19-01-12, 14:27
He dosent seem interested at all. He said all was okay. It was only when I received a copy of the results that I saw the range was to 10 and my result was 14.

19-01-12, 14:41
When I had a crohn's flare-up mine went to 434!!

I have had it at 23 before and no reall symptoms as well

19-01-12, 15:22
i have seen crp's nearing 4 figures, would have no concerns at all if mine came back at 14.

19-01-12, 23:02