View Full Version : How does it manifest?

Eva May
19-01-12, 00:22
I have a friend who panics when she is alone especially at night. She said that if she was in that situation and she couldn't take it anymore she would probably run outside and even knock on the neighbours door just to not be alone. My big trigger is my mum being away, I automatically panic but I kind of just lie down and try not move and end up shaking and feeling basically terrified until the night is over. She said she's like a kettle about to explode and she kind of does explode whereas she said I contain it. I would generally try hide it from people, just wondering what everyone else does and if certain ways make it go quicker than others

19-01-12, 00:45
I am exactly the same although it has gotten a little easier to cope over the years, afraid to be alone in the house, especially at night and will sit at my pc looking for chat / watch tv / play games etc. Yu are convinced that something will happen to you and you need to be with someone for safety. It is terrifying but keep telling yourself that you are safe and no harm can come to you. An excellent doctor told me to remember that you are not going mad, it will pass, it's just a nasty chemical reaction. Try relaxation exercises - if you are unsure how let me know and I will try to explain. It's the one thing (apart from drugs in the early years) that helped me.

Take care and know you are not alone