View Full Version : Mother in law is ill :s

19-01-12, 02:39
Just found out my future mother in law has got cancer I am devastated as we are in the middle of a feud at the moment and now if I try to make it up to her it seems like I am only appologising because she has devloped this horrid illness even though I feel extremely guilty for the things I said. She doesn't know if its terminal as she only found out today and my fiance is in bits. I fill like shit if I'm honest I said some really nasty things to her.

Any advice would be appreciated, just feeling like a fool at the moment...do you reckon a hand written letter and flowers would help? I'm stuck if anyone could beat it its her. She's as tough as old boots. Thanks :)


Vanilla Sky
19-01-12, 09:20
Just go and see her and tell her forget whats happened, and at the end of the day her health is more important than some silly feud.
Many people have never had the chance to make up with loved ones and spend a lifetime with regrets, Not worth it in my book
Good luck xx

19-01-12, 09:23
Yup see her and make up for everyone's sake. Whatever the cause of the feud it's inconsequential compared to what is going on now.

19-01-12, 14:14
Hi Harry ,

I think that is a perfect idea...gives you chance to write exactly what you want to say...life is too short mate to hold grudges etc...apologise etc and move on.

Hope it goes o.k.
