View Full Version : Driving tests next wednesday and I'm thinking of cancelling help!

19-01-12, 10:28
Hi everyone,

This is my second post in a week as my first was about my job worries and now this next big event is taking over my life.

I have been taking driving lessons for about a year now maybe longer. My anxiety has prevented me from doing well and to top it all offI had an accident last winter while in my learner car with my instructor. It was a very bad accident but fortunatley nobody was hurt. It happened on a roundabout and another car basically hit the side of me (my driver's side) and sent our car skidding into the roundabout and into a set of roadworks. The car ended up as a write-off. After that incident I couldn't get back into the car for weeks and I was a gibbering wreck, having nightmares and everything.

I managed to get back into the car eventually and started up my lessons once again.
Now this brings us to today, my driving test is next wednesday (6 days away) today is the final day to cancel it/postpone it without losing my fee. I already put it back a few weeks before christmas as I didn't feel ready but once again I still don't feel ready.
Its my last lesson with my instructor before the test today in 3 hours time.
Last night I couldn't breathe and ended up with chest pains and feeling dizzy - another panic attack. I'm also very tense and my neck feels as though it needs to be clicked constantly.

I'm so worried I will get to the test centre next week and have a panic attack before i get in the car or worse while I'm at the wheel. I'm also petrified of having another accident as I am in full control of the car with the examiner not helping me, only giving me directions. I'm so afraid I'm going to humiliate myself in front of my instructor and the examiner.

I am so close to giving up altogether right now. I just don't know if driving is for me as I am such an anxious and nervous person.
I know for a fact if I am told to do a manouvere and a car has to stop and wait that I will panic and probably do something very stupid.

I really need some help here. Its driving me insane, I can't breathe again today and my head is in agony.

19-01-12, 10:50
To be honest,I never thought I,d ever be ready for my test....I failed 3 times!!! (spent over a thousand pounds on lessons) my nerves always got the better of me and I did stupid mistakes.....the examiner does allow for nerves and little mistakes though.
......I was always a nervous wreck,but imagine if you do go through with it....and you passed!!!! what an acheivement....
if you dont try you will never know.I know its easy for me to say now Im a driver,but its the best thing I have ever done.....the freedom of going anywhere when you want....
I was a wreck during my tests,my leg was visibly shaking on the clutch...I was always stalling...but you have to give it a go...just passing your test gives you immense confidence,though the first year after passing is the real test in my opinion.
I took Bachs rescue remedy drops on my 4th test and passed.....
could you not try those? or beta blockers? it would be a shame to cancel....because Im guessing you might just give up on lessons altogether then.If you do fail,its not the end of the world....get back in the car ,and keep trying.....more lessons.....if you give up now,your lessons will have been wasted.
Or,you could cancel the test,and just keep having lessons until you,re more confident.

19-01-12, 11:08
I know how you feel! I have booked my test for March and no matter what i still dont feel ready!.. My driving instructor actually said to me its as if im scared of success. :ohmy: I dont think you should cancel else you will feel even worse next time, if your instructor thinks your ready for your test he must have confidence in your driving so give it ago. :yesyes:

Have you ever had a panic attack in the car before?

For me its the worry thats worse than the reality i think all this stuff is going to happen and the majority of the time i get in the car and concentrate so hard on the driving that i forget most of my worries. :unsure:

The chances are you will never feel ready. My instructor has told me im one of these people and he thinks i will worry and make silly mistakes way upto my test date. Remember its perfectly normal for people to worry before their test EVERYONE does but it usually doesnt effect your driving.

I wish you luck and hope it goes ok. I would deffo give it ago though! Have you booked a driving lesson before the test as this should help settle your nerves and examiners are not as scary as people make out. :D

19-01-12, 11:43
I passed third time at the age of 44! I felt as bad as you and was so anxious you wouldn't believe it. I think some people are just natural drivers and others aren't. I am not, even now I've passed my test I still get anxious sometimes driving.
best thing I ever did was buy an old banger and have really intensive lessons with a friend. After so much time driving i knew I had at least mastered the control of the car and that I wouldn't have to worry about that. I could just concentrate on the road and could observe what was going on around me much better. I hope it doesn't come to that and that you pass your test but should you not, it's something to bear in mind and in my case actually worked out cheaper than the driving lessons cost me.
I really would also recommend beta blockers. When you get terrible palpitations that is a real distraction and then you start to worry about that.
Wishing you the very best of luck:)

19-01-12, 11:53
I'm so worried

I'm also petrified

I'm so afraid

I am so close to giving up

I will panic and probably do something very stupid

These statements are holding you back, they are all negative, you are worth more than this and...

ALL of those quotes above are feeding the anxiety.

How about:

" if I have a panic attack so be it, its a part of me, nothing new is happening when I have one although they are crappy, besides everyone gets stressed on driving tests "

" If I pass great, if not then I will just re-do the test and try again "

" I have been through so much in my life, panic is just another aspect of something I need to overcome "

Its good to be open and honest about feelings of anxiety but be aware of depressing yourself through negative statements, even writing them on here solidifies the negativity in your mind.

Anxiety is very much a circle of avoiding things to protect yourself which in turn fuels the panic as you gave in to it.

Step outside your comfort zone, you never feel more alive as when you challenge yourself, In 100 years we will all be gone, forget what 'people' think, just talk it out with your instructor and take it slow.

Let some air in the car window on the drivers side, suck a mint, and see how it goes...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfjRcGDBvMQ - I find this inspiring

Also Im now panic and med free from following the outside the comfort zone - challenge yourself mantra - all the best

19-01-12, 21:57
I'm so proud of you getting back into a car after the accident! - Some very good advice from Con's! Positive mental attitude :-)
Took me a while to pass my test too its worth going though it for the freedom it gives you!
Hang in there and good luck!