View Full Version : How do you cope with anxiety?

19-01-12, 10:44
I'm having trouble with getting rid of anxious thoughts any tips on helping not to think anxiously?

19-01-12, 11:10
For me...i listen to music very loudly and it chills me out/distracts me.

The first thing to do is try not to think about them...the more you try not to think about something the more you think about it so try and take your mind off it. Someting that took me a few months to master.

http://www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk/anxiety.asp this website helped me out.

19-01-12, 14:47
How to stop anxious thoughts?

Stop trying to stop them.

Let them be there, it is only thoughts, bit like an annoying song trapped in your head, treat them the same way x

19-01-12, 14:56
Its not the actual initial thought we had that bothers us , its the fact we cant stop thinking the thought... even if its a scary thought, which is bad enough to think of it in first place,but its the fact we cant let it go that causes the problem... even people that dont suffer anxiety have stupid thoughts, but they just let me go straight on by and thats that, they give no meaning to them, and they dont worry 'why did i just think that'... its because we question why did i think that, whats wrong with me, that we give the initial thought importance, and it keeps cropping up again and again... let the thoughts in, see them as just thoughts, dont be scared by them... if you fight them , they come back more

19-01-12, 19:33
I do tend to fight them and by the end of the day I feel drained! I will let them come and just try to pass them off as just another thought.

19-01-12, 19:41
www.nothingworks.weebly.com is my thoughts on the subject. Ok it's long, goofy and rather eclectic but it is my entire thought process on the entire topic.

19-01-12, 20:06
Thanks Chris I will have a read of your site in the morning.

19-01-12, 20:17
thank you, it's a work in progress, but i hope you find something of help therein.

19-01-12, 20:31
Just been having aread throughof your letter Chris (not all yet because my attention span is crap right now) but I think you have hit the nail on the head with anxiety and depression and all its extras. Brilliant article and I will be taking it all onboard.

19-01-12, 21:48