View Full Version : Diazepam - should I take one off 6 weeks

19-01-12, 12:14
Hi looking for help been out of hospital for 2 weeks now , anxiety very bad today, been trying to work through my relaxation for last couple of hours and doesnt seem to be calming me down.

Since leaving hospital been only on my Mirtazipine, and started CBT hence why I think they have been holding back on the medication review , but today very bad and have spoken to the Doctor to ask if OK to take one which they have said yes and if problems still tomorrow to go and visit them.

Now Im very worried about taking it and anxiety getting worse as I feel Ive let myself down and scared to death of being back on them again. Im going to try and fight off taking one ( dont know if this a good move or not but to see if anxiety calms down )

Ive been mentioning an alternative to the mirtazipine but falling on deaf ears I think just now but feeling very despereate today worse day since leaving hospital.

Does anyone have any suggestions or possible alternative if I have to take one I can discuss with doctor tomorrow.

I suffer bad depression and very bad anxiety , although I seem to have gotten the physical side of the anxiety down a bit the mental side of it , the racing thoughts and negative thinking etc is driving me nuts today.

My Pyschologist says take it a day at a time, should I take it a treat it as such and hope tomorrow will be better , Im so tired this morning trying to distract myself , feeling worn out ..

19-01-12, 20:54
How you feeling now mate?

I know how you feel with the racing thoughts and negative thinking - am I right in thinking you don't know if you should take the Diazepam?

19-01-12, 21:21
Hi jayuk20 .... yes I was .. and after an hour took it ( well half of one as my concience was bothering me that much ) and it did the trick stopped the attack in its tracks and because I took only half a 5mg one , did get the sleepiness relaxed high feeling , just stopped the attack , so at least psychologically Im hoping my head hasnt caught up in the usual feeling I used to enjoy taking them in the first instance.

The other half Ive kept for the morning in case same happens again , not that I will just take it I will fight it again , but to be on safe side of caution I spoke to Doc , he told me to go and see him tomorrow if they are rearing their ugly head back up again.

Problem I have is just started CBT so they want me to keep medication to minimal , but easy for them to say , and once I took the tablet and things settled down I had the opportunity of realising what possibly could have triggered it.

My lesson for CBT this week , is when thought comes into my head not to fight it , to tolerate it and allow anxiety to come in and suffer it to see if could control it until subsides.... sounds easy doesnt it .. but this morning only tells me not so .. it feels like a curse and when racing thoughts how can one concentrate , Im struggling bu8t early days I guess and I always to hard on myself when things dont go my way

oh sorry .... yes been fine since taking it since early afternoon , just going to bed and the thoughts in my head what is tomorrow going to bring .. more dread and panic :(

19-01-12, 21:33
I wake about 5-6 am and the first thing I think of is "Oh not this again...."

Tonight I am trying to be positive about tomorrow and think "Yeah, so what, it happens, no big deal, I'll get through it!".

Do you have any hobbies you can take up? When you're having a bad day try going for a run, it can help. It helped me until I realised I was losing to much weight so thought I better knock it on the head until my eating is back on track.

19-01-12, 22:08
I suffer from bad back so a run not an option , my CPN is going to organise me a passport for leisure , which will allow me to go to local sports centre for swimming and a bit of the gym so going to give that a try.

Sadly I only been out of hospital for a couple of weeks , being in for nearly 3 months , so trying to settle back at home and with anxiety causing so much of a problem since back home feel very uncomfortable leaving the house for now, very insecure as my anxiety although not high all the time is always there simmering away, at home I have at least the few tools I use to cope at the moment like lying down in bed relax cd etc .

Hobbies Im a bit at a loose end , was a total workaholic before I became ill last year , generally trying to keep busy is a task at times , so browse web etc to keep my mind occupied , help with my dad who lives with us but is wheelchair bound , nip to the shops with wife if up to it , but working on things I can do more if only I can get comfortable with the anxiety.

as for the in the morning feeling I get that sadly too , actually got back out of bed for a smoke as could feel anxiety creep in again so waiting for it to subside and then try bed again

19-01-12, 22:15
I was in hospital for 3 months last nov/dec/jan. as well.

It took me a while to adjust being "out in the real world" again.

Don't be so hard on yourself. 3 months is a long time and it will take a few weeks to get back on your feet again.

I wasn't allowed to change any of my medication when I was seeing a psychologist either, but like you say, easier said than done.

Take care. x

19-01-12, 22:22
Mornings are crap aren't they! But it helps to know its common! And therefore you are not alone.

I'm off work at the moment. Mornings are rubbish but they are getting better slowly. I hate mornings!

I don't know your history as I have not been on here for a bit. Swimming is good! I have started swimming and it does help. (I have a dodgy back too! it 'went' over Christmas and I couldn't move!!!) Or just a walk! Distraction too. I have learnt to knit (don't laugh I'm only 37!) And browsing on the internet! Just make sure you get out everyday.


19-01-12, 22:30
if you have them and the doctors have said you can take them then use it, its another weapon in your arsenal against anxiety, its only a concern if you're popping one all the time like several times every day, thats when addiction begins, but taking them as required on doctors advice is a good thing. and please please please don't start getting worried abotu getting addicted to them because I say that, its jsut like anything, be sensible

19-01-12, 22:44
Mornings are crap aren't they! But it helps to know its common! And therefore you are not alone.

I'm off work at the moment. Mornings are rubbish but they are getting better slowly. I hate mornings!

I don't know your history as I have not been on here for a bit. Swimming is good! I have started swimming and it does help. (I have a dodgy back too! it 'went' over Christmas and I couldn't move!!!) Or just a walk! Distraction too. I have learnt to knit (don't laugh I'm only 37!) And browsing on the internet! Just make sure you get out everyday.


Mornings are especially crap Mabel!

I should be in bed by now as I've got to get up at 6.30am in the morning for a funeral! The funeral itself will be ok as the deceased was 92, it's just because I;m so rubbish in the mornings. I'm dreading the morning. Wish it was this time tomorrow. :-(