View Full Version : Can anxiety cause vertigo like dizziness?

19-01-12, 12:43
I just went to see the ENT doc and he doesn't think my vertigo like spinning dizziness is ear related, could it be stress/anxiety?

19-01-12, 12:47
yep definately... i used to feel dizzy all the time, with all the chemicals and adrenaline whizzing around, caused by anxiety

19-01-12, 13:06
I could feel like I wasn't stressed, just relaxed then the room starts spinning. I think this started to happen when I first had anxiety but the spinning would come out of the blue.

20-01-12, 20:59
I had dizziness for a long time with anxiety.. I imagine it probably is the anxiety, but I get alot of inner ear balance problems too so if you're worried get checked :) Its probably nothing though!!

23-01-12, 14:55
I am supper sensitive to dizziness so if something flashes too quickly in front of me - I feel dizzy. It doesn't take much but I feel that symptom and them the rest follow. I was watching tv the other night same thing happened and then I was up and getting a lorapan.
It really depends on what heightens your anxiety.


eight days a week
23-01-12, 16:06
I think it must do because I've struggled with it on and off for years, had my ears checked out and they're fine, the doctors have put it down to anxiety. Not pleasant at all, but it makes sense - just another physical symptom.

<edit> It seems to affect me when I'm at my most run down and not been eating and sleeping properly, which is usually when anxiety and depression have been at their worst for a while.

01-02-12, 21:44
I hate my dizziness with an absolute passion. I'm recovering from as sickness bug as well as having issues with GAD. In terms of anxiety, I felt fine before this bug. Not 100% but better than this!!

Do you think this virus has potentially been the cause of the increased dizziness?

01-02-12, 23:41
yes, anxiety can cause dizziness. It's caused by hyperventilation - overbreathing. Not at all dangerous but very disconcerting. Unfortunately, anxiety symptoms tend to feed themselves. If we can learn to accept the symptoms as non-threatening and not dangerous in any way but merely annoying, we're more than half way there. Much easier said than done!

01-02-12, 23:49
i even get a jolt if im watching tv and it shows someone standing at the edge of a tall building etc, my inner ear also starts itching thereafter.