View Full Version : lump near groin????

19-01-12, 15:01
So I have had some pain in my pelvic area, and I attributed it to sitting too long at work, class, driving and having muscle pain. I started stretching a lot at work to see if it would help, and it seems to have a little though there is a sore spot to touch. I had assumed that it was just that I pulled something when stretching. But now I am freaking because I found a marble sized bump nearby! It is above where my leg meets my body. I think it is mobile between my fingers, but it feels deep down. I am embarassed to go to the doctor about it ...

please respond, I am worrying a lot now.

19-01-12, 15:12

Please dont worry:) I had a swelling in a similar place the locum dr I saw was useless, she hadnt a clue and started to feel all my lymph glands around my body! You do have lymph glands in that arear of your groin.....so she booked me an appy for a ultra sound....I was freaking out!!! in the meantime i went to see my regular dr and he said he wouldnt have sent me for the ultra sound so if i wanted to cancel it I could.....Im a keen mountain biker riding 13 miles or so every day and I put the swelling down to that, I went for the ultra sound and they found nothing and I still have that swelling/ muscle or whatever it is! I would give it a couple of weeks and if it is a lymph node it would have gone by then or it could just be fatty tissue. Im like you dont really like going to dr's but if its still there in 2 weeks just pluck up the courage and go see them:)

19-01-12, 17:59
Thanks ... I've freaked myself out about cancer again, so I am glad I am not the only one. I am thinking it must be a lymph node? But it is larger than the other side, which has me nervous again.

19-01-12, 20:16
I had something very similar to what you're describing.

Here is the thread i made about it....


20-01-12, 01:02
Hey, thanks for the reply. I think I am making it worse by poking it around so much, it feels bigger but I have been poking at it all day trying to see if it is "soft" (not sure, feels kind of firm) or mobile (I guess it is, it moves between my fingers, but not like excessively.)

If it is a lymph node, would it be possible for it to swell after a muscle injury? Or be aggravated by that? I should just leave it alone, I don't even know how long it has been there.

20-01-12, 01:49
Had something like that recently, and when I was a lot younger. When I went to the docs when I was younger, he asked if I'd got scratched by a cat! Seemed to think it was maybe an infection, it went away after a few days...the more recent time it felt like a muscle that had got irritated, again it went away with time.
Anyway, yours sounds like maybe you've irritated a gland or something, you may have got a mild infection or something. It doesn't really sound like much to worry about...but still go to the doctors, and don't read symptoms on google! Over the last month I've had my trousers round my ankles about 4-5 times, while someone pokes around...I'm not really embarrassed at all anymore. You shouldn't even have to drop your trousers. It's best to just go and get it looked at. The weight off your mind when the doc tells you it's nothing will be fantastic. Good luck.

20-01-12, 03:57
You may be right ... I've been putting a hot compress on it and it seems to have gone down a little bit. I guess I should just stop touching it. I will try to get in just to put my mind at ease. Thanks for the advice!

20-01-12, 09:33
Could be an Abcess! Keep an eye on it for now...if it gets larger and the pain increases check it out with the GP
I had an abcess in the same area and I left it and left it until I was In so much pain I almost passed out, it was huge at this point...very hard.
Because I left it I had to go to hospital and have an operation to drain it....I should have seen the doctor sooner....

20-01-12, 14:50
It does not hurt to touch, and it feels much smaller today now that I stopped poking at it. That abscess sounds awful!!! I am not really in too much pain though other than the muscle pain from where I hurt my muscles around it ... And going skiing just made that worse, but I should have known to take it easy.

I think I need to start telling myself that if a person without anxiety would not notice this and would not get nervous about it, then I should not either. I need to retrain my brain!!