View Full Version : Morning headaches

19-01-12, 15:41
Does anyone else have headaches upon waking up in the morning? I seem to every morning though they aren't severe and go away quite quickly. I don't think I had them before my anxiety flaired up again and I haven't been sleeping well at all, which I am sure could contribute to it.

19-01-12, 15:53
Yeah ive had them a few times, and they go after getting up and moving around. It could be low blood sugar, or worries you are pushing to the back of your mind 'resurfacing' during the night. If they aren't severe I wouldnt worry.

19-01-12, 16:05
They aren't severe. I've had a CT scan to rule out anything like a mass (not because of the headaches, but for other reasons). I have not been sleeping well at all, waking up around 2-3 am and maybe dozing back off for 30 minutes or so before I have to get up.

19-01-12, 17:41
When I was in a particularly 'bad patch' one time I found myself waking with a headache each morning. It used to feel really bad though once I'd gotten up and was fairly severe, so I'd take a couple of paracetamol, go back to bed and then it'd be gone for the day! Really weird, and it went as soon as I started getting better. Anxiety really does cause this symptom.

19-01-12, 18:56
As you said you're not sleeping well, and also had a scan to rule anything else out I would put it down to the sleep situation and try to work on that if you can.

19-01-12, 19:05
I would suggest that it may be the pillow you are using, on top of not sleeping well because that probably has you tossing and turning. I had to get a memory foam pillow because I would get headaches every morning. It has helped. I would assume that your head feels better once you get up because you stretch the muscles back out.