View Full Version : Esophogeal cancer?

19-01-12, 18:25
I am a little worried that I may have Esophogeal cancer....

This morning there was a streak of blood in my phlegm, o suffer with acid reflux and am concerned that the acid has eroded my Esophogus and caused a tumor! I have suffered with reflux for 3 years and the ppi's control the heart burn but the blood is worrying me?

I went to the doc today and she assured me that it's just coming from the mucous membranes in my throat cos I am hacking phlegm up in the morning! I recently had a chest X-ray and full blood count and also a sputum Culture done! All normal.

I feel a little short of breath but don't know if that is from anxiety? The doc has given me a peak flow meter to check for asthma but the readings I'm getting so far are normal according to the doc plus they listened to my breathing and seems to be normal!

My question is is there enough evidence to believe I am ok and not dying of cancer? The blood in the mucous has really shook me up and got me googling and worrying all sorts of life threatening illnesses!

I was hoping the do. Would send me for a endoscopy or barium swallow but she said endoscopy is a very invasive procedure and they do that if they believe something drastic is wrong only!

I know that continual acid erosion of the Esophogus can lead to barretts Esophogus and an increased risk in cancers of the digestive tract and that is why I am continually on edge!

Doc did say I can take some of my left over lorazepam from previous anxiety before this relapse but am anxious to do so if not needed!

Any words of support or anyone experiencing acid relatedroblems please help! :(


19-01-12, 18:48
I think it sounds like there is more than enough evidence that you are ok. When I cough a lot or have a lot of phlegm, I do see blood streaks once in a while. It is also winter, the air is very dry, which can cause blood streaks too. You had good test results, and went to your doc, so I see no reason to be worried! :)

19-01-12, 22:16
I just played 40 mins of five a side football and now have a pain under my rib! :( starting to worry again :(

19-01-12, 22:24
trust the doctor, they are in a much better position to give reassurance than almost everyone else here, and they have given you an all clear, I know HA is irrational, but you must try to hold to what the doctor has said.

20-01-12, 10:35
Do you take meds for acid reflux ?

It takes many many years of "ignored" reflux / heart burn for problems to arrise .
Could you see if you can get stronger meds presumeing you are on them already .

20-01-12, 10:51
My father died of oesophageal cancer (well not strictly true his heart gave out but you get my drift) His symptoms were, we were told, text book in that long before he started coughing blood he found it progressively difficult to keep food down, this over some six to nine months. Sadly my father was a stubborn.......man and did not tell anyone or visit a doctor by the time we were aware it was in a very advanced stage – he was living on liquids and coughing up a measurable amount of blood, had lost an enormous amount of weight and frankly it didn’t need tests for anyone to know what was wrong with him. That said he was over eighty was an alcoholic and had smoked since he was fourteen.

As I say when he eventually saw a doctor the diagnosis was made practically without examination and that’s the key here, despite the (very) odd occasion when it slips past them momentarily doctors are deft in noticing certain things that ‘flag’ concern and if there is any small amount of doubt they will refer you to specialists and even then a majority of the time nothing is amiss.

Trust your doctor – easier said than done I know but it’s probably the advice you would give to someone else.

20-01-12, 18:16
Hi mel....

Yes I am on meds,been on omeprozole for 2 years! Doc yesterday swapped me to loranzple! The doc did say it takes decades of acid erosion to cause major problems!

I did sho the doc a pic of th blood in my phlegm and she seemed pretty unconcerned been honest! Hopefully that is a good sign!

Today I developed a sore throat an pain in my side, tis worked me up agin as coud be signs again of serious gastro diseases :(

20-01-12, 18:49
Hello mike or should I say myself! What I mean is I have identical worries to you despite everyone around me reassuring me I don't seem to get it I keep thinking the acid is eroding away and can't stop thinking abt the damage it's doing. What meds u on? I have been so stressed with this recently that doc has sent me for the endoscopy I have mine week on monday here in Blackpool! I know and the doc knows and everyone around me know it will all be clear as I have had one 2 years ago, but still want want as people with health anxiety always seek reassurance. I should after this stop worrying abt this darn problem....

20-01-12, 19:43
Hi mike, mate you doctor has given you all clear (all be it the acid reflux) your x-ray was OK.

But you still have your concerns (that is a good thing) But not at this moment take a deep breath STOP looking on google (bet you are). Now relax.

Like you and may others on this site living with acid feflux/Gerd is a hard thing to do at times and it makes us over panic.

But for your sanity stop

Btw I will let you know how i get on with my endoscopy on the 31st, have had to come off the omeprozole for 2 weeks so they can get a better look at things.

20-01-12, 22:03
My doc has never even suggested sending me for endoscopy! How long have you suffered with acid reflux? I have been on omeprazole 40mg per day for almost 2 years but just started taking lansoprazole yesterday instead!

My main fear is that I have a painin my throat which I don't think is ordinary sore throat! The ache in my side has eased tho and here was no streak of blood in my phlegm today!

Still can't help but worry tho! Maybe I need n endoscopy?

20-01-12, 22:44
My doc has never even suggested sending me for endoscopy! How long have you suffered with acid reflux? I have been on omeprazole 40mg per day for almost 2 years but just started taking lansoprazole yesterday instead!

My main fear is that I have a painin my throat which I don't think is ordinary sore throat! The ache in my side has eased tho and here was no streak of blood in my phlegm today!

Still can't help but worry tho! Maybe I need n endoscopy?

Hiya mike, we have chatted before on another thread of yours. I have had acid reflux/gerd for over 2 years now (thats when the doctors told me anyway) could of been longer. BUt have been on omeprazole for 2 years like you but only on 40mg aday for the last month or so before that it was 20mg.

I am having the endoscopy due to constant chest pains and have had a full cardio work out to hopefully rule out the heart so now the last thing to check out is my acid reflux/gerd.

Sore throats and aches and pains around that area are part and parcel of acid reflux and also can be muscular.

Yes reflux can lead to other things but myself and you and most others on this and other sites have or age on our sides your what in your 30s (i think) myself just turn 40 so i dont really think 2 years of acid reflux can cause that much havoc (thats my opinion).

But at the end of the day way not explain how you feel to your doctor and ask for a endoscopy and hopefully end your worries once and for all.

All the best mate

21-01-12, 23:25
Hi Mike!

I suffer from Acid Reflux too, and am on Lansoprazole, have been for a little over 2 months now. It works great but I still occasionally get the pain in my chest from the acid.

The thing I've noticed is that I also get pains in my ribcage, down my side, etc etc, so its likely it could be due to the gastro symptoms? I'm very doubtful that you have esophagoal cancer and think you'd be alot more ill if it were so! I think playing five a side can probably contribute to any aches or pains too... muscles can do the weirdest things, and stress can cause tension etc!

If you really do feel you need an endoscopy you could bring it up to your doctor. I haven't had one personally, they diagnosed me through symptoms and I haven't even bothered asking for one since they refused me a colonscopy recently. You may have a good GP though, but mine are very reluctant to do testing on a young person. I believe an endoscopy is not the most pleasant test to go through but if you feel you would be more relieved to have it then you can always request one from your dr.

Hope all is okay with you now. :)

21-01-12, 23:55
Hello again mike:D

Now then Mr you told me to go out and have fun.....ditto:yesyes:

If your doc was AT ALL concerned you would have been in hospital straight away!!! We are all with you on this.....bloody anxiety is a bummer!!!!:ohmy: my mum was coughing blood up..it was coming from her nose!! Please dont worry (rich coming from me:blush:) but really your doc wouldnt mess around if they thought it was serious!!!! go out and have fun:hugs: