View Full Version : cancer in groin

13-06-06, 20:24
I have posted about this before but have not been to doctor yet - am going tomorrow. I still have swolen lymph node in the left side of my groin and its been there for months now. It hasnt changed and doesnt hurt. I just googled about lumps in groin and am now SO scared. It said if it doesnt hurt and its hard its likely to be cancer. Does anyone know if thats right??? Surely if it was cancer it would have grown?? or other lymph nodes would have come up??? Im so frightened the doctor will say its something terrible :(

13-06-06, 20:26
It is really hard to say because once you google something you tend to only read the worst case scenario. I bet there were some posts with simple diagnosis too but you only read the worst ones. We are all guilty of that.

It is impossible to know so let the doctor check it out and reassure you more than we can.

Good luck


13-06-06, 20:32

Googling is not good, the amount of times I have self diagnosed and been totally wrong.

I have lumps like that coming at and down all the time. Especially when Im stressed. They can last for months then dissappear. Mine are cysts.

The doctor will check it out tomorrow. Let us know how you get on.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

13-06-06, 21:25
firstly, never google these things! I had the very same thing in december but in my left side. i was completely terrified, so after telling my mum, i saw the practice nurse at my surgery. she said it was only to do with the ridges where the tissue is quite lumpy in that area, and that all was fine. try not to worry, and i wish you every ounce of luck for tomorrow. let us know how it goes.

take care, and chin up :)



13-06-06, 21:51
Google, should have a health warning on it!! Abandon hope all ye who enter a symptom here. Those of us with health anxiety just can't resist it and yet it doesn't help at all just makes us panic more. I'm avoiding Googling now. Its hard but for the sake of my sanity i don't want to know. Let us know how you get on, you're in my thoughts

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-06-06, 22:00
Thanks for all your replys. I've managed to calm down a little bit now. The stupid thing is that I google to try and reassure myself that it isnt anything bad (eg. hoping it says if it hasnt grown and doesnt hurt its nothing to worry about) but it always backfires.

I'll let you know how i get on tomorrow. Ive just been writing a list of all my symptoms - ive decided i might as well discuss everything with the doctor, otherwise even if she says everything ok, i'll start to worry about one of the others but wont want to go back again. I hate feeling like this all the time, its so horrible. Everyone tells me to stop worrying but i cant. I even woke my boyfriend up about 3 times last night cos i thought he'd stopped breathing but he was just asleep...

13-06-06, 22:14
the doctor will have a feel of the lump, and should be able to tell you right off what the situation is. i agree the list is a good idea for reassurance though. i felt i missed a few things out and worried for a little after i went, but i am fine now. it'll be really good to get it all off your chest. finding a lump is possibly one of the scariest things that can happen to anyone, let alone people with the health anxieties we have.

you are very brave :) keep strong, and remember it really is very unlikely to be anything serious. especially in that particular area.

warmest wishes,



14-06-06, 16:48
I've just been to the doctors and she didnt seem too concerned - said it could be due to shaving. But im having a blood test tomorrow to check there's no signs of infection or inflamation. Have to wait a week for results though so will be worrying about what will show up!

14-06-06, 16:59
I found two breast lumps a while back and I was scared that it would be cancer. It took me ages to pluck up the coradge to see a doctor and when I did there was nothing wrong with it, gosh I was happy!

It must be very scary for you at the moment, a lump of any sort is scary, but just think positivly as the majority of lumps are not cancerousor even harmful and tend to just vanish!

That's good that the doctor isn't worried, that is a very good sign. Good luck with the blood tests and post us the results.

Scooties Back

19-06-06, 14:11
hi, just thought i would try to put your mind at rest a bit more, i had a swollen lymph node in my neck a few years ago, it was really prominent and hard (and didn't hurt) and i managed to work myself up into a complete frenzy about it.

I went and had tests done (not because my doctor thought it was really necessary, more because i wouldn't take no for an answer!) and of course nothing was wrong.

My doctor told me that lymph nodes can get filled up with calcium and as a result can be hard and can stay like that for ages (in my case many months), even now (about 4 years later) although it has gone down, that particular lymph node is still more prominent than the other side.

I worried myself sick about nothing (as usual! [:I])

I hope that reassures you a little,
take care,