View Full Version : Night sweats on Sertraline?

19-01-12, 19:08
Hey everyone.

Just wondered if anyone has experienced excessive night sweats on Sertraline. I don't sweat during the day, it only happens at night, but I've also noticed I've lost a small amount of weight. I'm not sure if its hormonal or not as I had a baby 14 weeks ago, but most people would have gotten over this by now.

I hear it can be a side effect of Sertraline so I was just curious to know if it was common.

I've been on it a month and a half.

19-01-12, 19:16
Im on fluoxetine on week 6 and still have night sweats and some insomnia....but all the other nasty side effects are gone!! thank god :D

19-01-12, 19:18
I get it on citalopram its horrid :mad: xx

19-01-12, 19:20
I believe some people do get sweats on Sertraline I do a little but in the morning before I wake, I notice my neck is wet. I have also lost weight, almost 1.5 stone but this is due to loss of appetite.

Point 3: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=51684&highlight=sweat

19-01-12, 20:24
I hope i'll get that weight loss on it, i've been psychig up to start sertraline :P

19-01-12, 22:33
Thanks guys thats a bit relieving :)

haha well I've lost about half a stone and thats what puzzles me, I'm under the weight I was before I fell pregnant! I used to be 9 stone and put on just over 2 stone in pregnancy, I'm only 15 weeks postpartum and I've already lost 2 and a half stone now.. very concerning to me!

I put it down to the night sweats but guess it could be stress too :shrug:

20-01-12, 11:32

I was exactly the same as you...I had a baby 15 weeks ago and 3 weeks after having her inwas put on Sertraline and had the worst night sweats ever....I would wake in the morning dripping...Never in the day

I went cold turkey off Sertraline at the end of November and it suddenly stopped.....I told the doctor about this on Tuesday and told him I'm done with medication for now as I had proplems on Citalopram as well....which is a whole different story..

I cam assure you it's the medication.....

20-01-12, 20:57
Thanks so much for the reassurance hun!! :hugs:Very glad to hear it may just be the Sertraline, obv not the weight loss but the night sweats at least.

I had a few problems on Citalopram too so not going back on that.. but will stick with Sertraline for now and see if anything improves!

Hope you're okay :)