View Full Version : Purple fingernails??

19-01-12, 19:55
My fingernails have turned purple and have been like that for a couple of weeks..I have heard that this could be to do with heart or lung problems but apparently my heart and lungs are fine.
Has anyone experienced this? Is it just another symptom of high anxiety and stress? (which I have had of course)

19-01-12, 21:06
Fingernails turn blue-ish when there's not that much blood getting to them. That might sound a bit drastic but actually it happens all the time for perfectly normal reasons. For example when it's cold your extremities (fingers, toes etc) shut down a bit to preserve heat, and less blood gets to them. It has been pretty cold this week so that might play a part. Also when you're sitting still for a while your blood doesn't have to pump round so vigorously so less gets to your fingers. And some people's circulation just isn't as enthusiastic as other people's so they naturally have cool, blue-ish toes and fingers. I have cold hands and blue-ish nails quite a lot, nothing wrong with my heart or lungs either! look at other people's nails you'll see they're walking around with blue-ish nails perfectly healthily! Hope that helps!

19-01-12, 21:20
have you recently started on beta blockers?

19-01-12, 21:33
Yeah thanks - it just seems weird that my nails are still the same purple/blue colour when my hands are warm. I have done no physical exercise for three months which might have something to do with it. I'm not on any medication at all..

Thanks again.