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19-01-12, 20:26

Please can someone help, I feel so out of control are these feelings and sensations normal just want to relax


19-01-12, 20:28
Hi metz86

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-01-12, 20:50
first step is to see a doctor if you havent already, they should be able to help you as well :)

19-01-12, 21:15
Ive been to hospital about 3 times and the walk in centre twice I've been to my GP about 4 times, I try to take my mind off focusing on my body but its really hard, for example if i feel a twing or some sort of pain on my left side I start to get worried which then makes my mind think that this is the end for me, then I cant shake the thoughts they are always there, I wish I could just forget and start fresh, am 25 and death is always on my mind I used to go for walks in the countryside now everywhere I go my mind is always thinking where is the nearest hospital have I got phone signal I dont know what to do anymore am at the stage now where I wish it would just happen (heart attack) Am not afraid of dying I just dont want to die and flop in a funny postion or while am driving or in the bath stuff like that go through my mind all the time been thinking about buying a heart rate monitor please please if anyone feels the same way how do you deal with it and does it last forever please am begging

19-01-12, 23:20
Hi Metz

I dont have health anxiety on a daily basis but have had it on a number of occasions. I have learned that i tend to overreact in such instances and start to think im going to die or there is something seriously wrong with my heart etc. To date i have turned out to be wrong every time. When i thought i was going to die i just woke up the next morning after the fever had run its course and there was nothing wrong with my heart but i was diagnosed with a slight bacterial infection that didnt even require antibiotics.

I remember one day ringing up nhs direct and telling them due to a dental problem i had taken quite a few nurofen and i was feeling a bit short of breath. As they started taking me through a list of symptoms i might have i found myself suddenly starting to develop them as in my anxious state i had become very suggestible. I did end up visiting a hospital but long story short im still here.

Ive read posts by a number of people here and they all seem come to have come to the same conclusion. If you visit multiple doctors and hospitals and they all tell you you have nothing wrong with you then there is likely nothing wrong with you. The next time this happens the only thing you can do is accept the sensation(s) and continue with what you were doing before. Avoid looking up your symptoms on line or anything like that. You mustnt let it stop you from getting on with your day, move onto the next thing on your list, look ahead to what you are doing later or tomorrow. If you have nothing to look forward to try to think of what you would like to be doing and organise that. If you need reassuring then just remember all those times you thought you were going to die before, but didnt.

The body is strong. At 25 it has alot of time left and wont give up on you easily. It has its own set of rules and will take a lot of persuading (ie shooting, stabbing or shark attack) before it gives up and stops working.

Dont buy the monitor.
