View Full Version : Agoraphobia ruining my life - Help :(

19-01-12, 22:49
Hi All,

I'm in a mess at the moment. I was off sick for nearly 2 weeks after Christams and only returned to work on Monday. I've had a really stressful week at work and also outside of work.

I was sick with a virus but it started at work where I felt extremely dizzy (the worse that I have felt in a long time, like nearly passing out) and ever since then, even when I was home in bed, I felt so dizzy and off balance. The virus didn't help my anxiety and I ended up getting antibiotics for a sinus infection.

This sickness episode along with my anxiety has really affected me. When I get anxious I make myself dizzy and freaked out and always stay in the house or close to the house. I don't like going out far away or in a really busy environment. I also live in London, which I hate, and when I travelled back from the central office in town I ended up taking the wrong turn on Oxford Street and walked for, what seemed like, a mile to Tottenham Court Road Tube Station. When I went to the ticket barrier I felt so dizzy and anxious. I ended up telling a station worker who would not let me in the office to sit down and instead made me sit in a deserted kiosk. I felt so anxious and my boyfriend's Dad ended up saving the day and rescuing me. I haven't been to the Centre of London since and I am so scared to, my normal office is a short drive away which I go to at the moment. I hate being in London with agoraphobia, it's too big and busy and very difficult to find a safe place. I am from the country in northern ireland and I really wish I was home in a quieter surrounding with my family a phone call and drive away.

Am I just being petty? Is this all in my head and should I just get on with it? I have been in London for over 2 years and my anxiety has stopped me from going out to London and my boyfriend really wants to make the most out of being here before we move on. I just feel that I can't make the most of it here and want to give up and move away. I need help and advice from fellow sufferers :( I am making myself more depressed craving to go home when my boyfriend wants to make the most of it here. We're arguing lots at the moment about it. I've also had a 6 month stint of CBT at the beginning of last year and although it helped slightly, I still have my anxiety and dizziness.

19-01-12, 22:58
Your not be petty at all, i could not live in London... i live in Somerset...so am lucky... im sure you wish and would want to enjoy what London has to offer if it wasnt for anxiety..as we have fear of embarrassing ourselves, fainting, losing it, we therefore feel most anxious in crowds, and in London you cant avoid them i guess.. but you are managing to go to work, so thats good on you..and its a good distraction and also routine is good for you... dont beat yourself up about not wanting to socialise at present... forcing yourself wont help matters... the dizziness is horrible, try to eat healthy, no caffine or sugar after 7pm... drink lots water... and get your partner to read this