View Full Version : Constant worrying - sti

20-01-12, 01:43
Ok...I managed to get Chlamydia somehow (my last sexual encounter, which was oral only, was almost 3 months ago)...the symptoms actually only started a few days before NYE - I got a private clinic appt a couple of days ago where he tested for everything. I was given an HIV test which was clear. Antibiotics for the chlamydia ... for a week, told to come back in 7 days.
Also, about a month and a half ago, I found a lump on my testicle...finally got seen by a urologist last week, who said that it was cyst.
However, I now have a new worry (seems to be as one problem goes, another one presents itself)...I was out with friends the day before NYE, and got really really drunk...so I only remember bits of it. I was intending to stay at my friends house, but apparently I was sat outside on the kerb - was probably around 4 or half 4 in the morning. I then recall walking off (and crying to myself due to the worry of the testicle lump) ... I then must have walked towards the town centre (probably 45mins-1hr) though can't be sure - I believe I tried to ring a taxi at around 10 to 5 (though I'm not sure if I was still at my friends house or in the town centre)...my phone records show this...however I don't think I got the number right. Anyway, I vaguely remember being in a taxi to go home (half an hour away) ... I do have a good memory of asking the taxi drive to stop at a cash machine about 2 mins from my house, and I took out £30 to pay him. I then woke up in my bed at about 11am (completely dying, and still really drunk) I kind of stayed in bed the rest of the day.
Anyway the other night my mind started going into over-drive...what the hell did I do or get up to? I checked with my bank and the money I took out was taken out at 08.47 in the morning, I nearly had a heart attack when I found out, it's like 3-4 hours have gone missing :(... and due to the recent health worries, my mind starts wondering the worst - did I go and have unprotected sex with someone? Could I have gotten HIV that wouldn't have shown up in the test I took 2 days ago? Should I book an appointment after 28 days and get the DUO test? I've spent enough money recently on my health that another few quid won't hurt! I'm kind of wondering if it was even possible for me to muster an erection, I've had problems before with that after having drunk a lot (although less than what I drank that night)
Anyway I'm back next week at the specialist (to check the chlam is gone), so should I discuss this with him? I'm worried I'll come accross as a complete mental case (maybe some of u are thinking that now!) ... the HIV test he did was a pin prick in the finger, and he put the blood on 2 strips...came back negative about 10 mins later.
If anyone can help me out I'd be very grateful. I'm getting tired of constantly worrying :-(, it really is draining. Thanks in advance.

Oh...and the chlamydia symptoms started before I went out that night...as I remember putting cream 'on it' before I went out haha, as it was beginning to hurt.

20-01-12, 04:01
You may as well discuss it with your doctor, just to put your mind at ease. Were you with anybody who may be able to fill you in on what you did during that span of time? I hate that feeling of not knowing what happened, it's happened to me once or twice after a rough night of drinking. But I wouldn't be worried about HIV if you had a test 2 days ago. Again though, why not just ask and then not have to worry? Same advice you gave me :)

20-01-12, 10:07
Thanks...the recent hiv test i did would maybe not show up, as i only was potentially exposed 2 and a half weeks ago.
I realise that I'm probably worrying over nothing...I've always been paranoid about my health. I had convinced myself that my testicular lump was cancer. Once I get an idea in my head, i don't seem to be able to get rid of it, regardless of logic.
My mates were drunk too, I've asked them what time it was that i left his house at in the morning, but they can't remember. I think we were in the club till about 3...then wan
dered about to get food, talked to people etc before getting a taxi to his house. I could have been sat outside his house for over an. hour, not sure.
Basically my paranoia is getting the better of me, and my mind is starting to wander...