View Full Version : Throw Them In The Bin !

20-01-12, 05:59
Hi All:)

Please ... if anybody is reading philosophical books, then please try to remember many of the famous philosophers who wrote all the "deep stuff" drove themselves completely mad in the end :blush:

The proof of the pudding is in the eating ... and so if a book you are reading is making you depressed then that is a sure sign that it's time to throw it away.

Deep, philosophical, books have their place and can be interesting. However, much of what is written are specialist subjects that have little utility for most people. And in a lot of instances the subject of philosophy can completely scramble a persons' mind .

Why read a book that leaves you confused and bewlidered ?

If anybody would like any suggestions about the best Philosophical subjects to study then I will be so glad to help. I spent 5 years reading Philosphy for my degree. And the truth is 99% of what we read was useless. :):)

Even so, 1% is so precious and can make life worth living.

PM me if you would like any help in deciding just what's best.

Have a good day all.


Blotchy Girl
20-01-12, 06:25
Good advice :) I remember the one thing I took away from one of my philosophy classes in college was that I can literally argue anything and everything. Lol..fun class.

20-01-12, 09:58
Haha yes I would agree with all of what you said! Reading about it and trying to understand and make sense of it all just leads to serious brain confusion :wacko:

Funnily enough though my philosophy class was the most fun and the one I looked forward to the most, we had such a laugh :)

20-01-12, 10:18
Agree, sometimes you can spend too long with your head in a book. Going out there and doing things is sometimes more effective.:D

21-01-12, 19:55
"Why read a book that leaves you confused and bewlidered ? "

They don't bewilder me.

I'll make up my own mind thank you.

21-01-12, 20:03
"Why read a book that leaves you confused and bewlidered ? "

They don't bewilder me.

I'll make up my own mind thank you.

Actually your mind will make up its own mind, your not the original snowflake you might like to think you are...

21-01-12, 20:51
I read a reply of assumption.

21-01-12, 23:08
I read a reply of assumption.

My reply came across more harsh than I intended, sorry for that.

Im just fascinated by the responses and needs of the body and mind that drive us to do things, ignore me and my sillyness.

22-01-12, 20:01

my reply has harsh too!

please ignore me too!

I read your link, you have high creativity and logic combined.

Please have a quick scan at my story which is written below ... the weebly thingy!

Kind regards,


22-01-12, 20:16
And there I was thinking (whatever thing is) that all philosophers were the same as Lunkwill and Fook in the hitchhikers guid to the galaxy, or are they just a platonic idealisation of the existential reality of philosophy.

One of us

Ps I'm actuall a prograamer

22-01-12, 20:42

my reply has harsh too!

please ignore me too!

I read your link, you have high creativity and logic combined.

Please have a quick scan at my story which is written below ... the weebly thingy!

Kind regards,


I briefly went over certain parts and I liked it, hard to read it all as I have a 'squint' or lazy eye and it starts wandering on bright pages, mainly white backgrounds, but yeah, fair play to you, all the best