View Full Version : Anyone else feel better in the evening?

20-01-12, 10:32
It's weird because as soon as I wake in the morning my anxiety starts then in the evening I feel normal, nice and chilled. I wonder why this is?

20-01-12, 10:35
The body relaxes naturally as you feel more tired, most people tend to feel more relaxed in the evening. I don't know the medical reason for it.

20-01-12, 10:37
same here usually evenings calmer , I think just the thought of going to sleep and perhaps tomorrow being better hopefully

20-01-12, 10:41
Me too! I like weekends too! Think there is a pattern here....

20-01-12, 10:46
I always feel worse in the morning, sometimes (most times actually), before I'm even fully awake my mind has already started it's mental check of how I'm feeling, then says "hmmmm, not quite 100%", but as the day passes, and usually as I get myself busy I start to feel better, and by the late afternoon/early evening I feel perfectly normal again. No anx, no mind chatter - just normal me.

20-01-12, 10:47
Yep me too. Wake up everyday and immediately feel anxious. Go to work or out or whatever and feel anxious, some days worse than others.
And then somewhere between 4pm and 6pm, even if I'm still at work, I start to calm down. I always think its the realisation I have survived another day lol.

20-01-12, 13:29
Hi i thought it was only me, start to feel near normal at aroune 6-7pm.

Do't know why, but my mind starts going again in the morning

20-01-12, 14:21
Hi all im new to this, just reading what you have all written and im the same.
I return to work after being off for 9 months with my baby. I found it really hard to settle and didnt want to be there. I started on Lustral 6 weeks ago on 50mg then went up to 100mg and i feel worse than i did before. Really want to come off them any advise please :(