View Full Version : Tension headaches and anxiety

20-01-12, 10:33
Hello everyone,

This is my first post.

I think i've always been anxious about health issues but since having my children this has escalated 10 fold.

Symptoms..... tension headaches, light head, dry mouth, cold chills, hot flushes, wobbly legs etc

I think i could cope with this if the headaches would stop!!

Obviously being overly aware of any tiny niggle in my body i simply cannot stop worrying that this is more than a tension headache. Google has become my best friend and my worst enemy!

Anybody else get chronic tension headaches?

Please help

20-01-12, 14:45
I do all the time. I get tension headaches a few days a week, sometimes more. I have really bad muscles in my shoulders due to tension, and in my neck, and I have tried everything. Massage works temporarily for me, but not long-term. Ice helps too. But acupuncture helped me the most, and once i went a few times, the benefits lasted a few months really. Then I was too busy to go again ... but I am hoping to start up again for it.

I did the acupuncture because I stressed out that I was taking ibuprofin too much. It really did help, but you have to go more than once.

Tension headaches are awful, they can mess up your whole day.

20-01-12, 20:05
I suffered from almost daily tension headaches, mine feel like I have a tight hat on permanantly or like something is pressing down on the back of my head, I too have really tense neck and shoulder muscles. I had mine for weeks and weeks and was eventually prescribed Amitriptyline which has helped relieve them, just a shame it hasn't got rid of all my other horrible symptoms.

20-01-12, 20:12
tension headache sufferer also , apparently caused by posture , I was prescribed Co Codamol but they dont even dent them at times , try raising your shoulders up to your ears and down a few times and then when up push shoulders forwards and then backwards. Head back , head normal and over to the right and then left and then down onto your chin, sometimes helps

20-01-12, 21:56
Hey guys,
Thankyou for your replies. I have had a headache for about 3 weeks now, with 2 days reprieve after a few days of taking Citalopram. The headache feels like it starts at the base of my skull/top of my neck and works its way around to my temples. Its constant pressure. My jaw feels like its aching too. I thought that the Citalopram would stop them but apparently not. I'm a bit worried about going to the Drs again as i cant help but think that he's already got me down as a loonie. Is Amitriptyline for anxiety too or just the headaches??

Thanks again,


21-01-12, 13:30

I have had allsorts of health anxiety which has increased since having kids and my mum being diagnosed with cancer.
I have had alot of head issues since new year and like you have tension headaches. I seem to ache from shoulders upwards, my shoulder and neck muscles are very tender. I keep googling as well and its doing me no good.

I am also trying not to take any medication for my headaches as my Dr said you can develop rebound headaches.

21-01-12, 14:19
I was given the amitriptyline for the headaches, at low doses they are supposed to be good for chronic pain. Ive since upped the dose as I now have lots of aches/pains/tingling all over, but its not making a dent in anything else. I was hoping my doc would prescribe Citalopram too, but is sending me for cbt instead, I think both would have been more appropriate! Give the citalopram time, it takes a couple of weeks to get into your system

21-01-12, 17:59
hi there how much of amertriptaline are u on im on 20ml and last few days it seems my headaches are back im gutted really am im wondering trying 30ml as doc said to play with dose but my aniexty is hit me that my body is telling me its bad that drug aint working please reassure me

22-01-12, 07:41
The headaches are awful and it seems to be a vicious circle. You get a headache, you worry, then your headache worsens. I'm trying to use the distraction method at the moment. When i feel a bit tense or start to think the stupid things that my mind makes me think then i distract myself with kids, cooking, cleaning, phoning friends for a gossip etc. Yesterday morning i did some stretches and a little bit of exercise. Took alot to muster the energy but i did about 25 minutes and it did make me feel a little bit better. Obviously it's going to take a while for this to start subsiding but any tiny little thing that makes me feel better is worth sticking to.

I'm only on 10mls of Citalopram and have been taking it for 12days now. I still have the symptoms of anxiety but not as strong as they were. I still have the headaches too but i'm trying to tell my brain that these meds will work! Positive mental attitude. It works for the athletes!! :-)

22-01-12, 10:26
I'm on 25mg, they haven't helped with my anxiety although at that does they are unlikely to, although they aren't really used for anxiety these days

22-01-12, 12:05
Hello there,

I know it's nearly impossible not to think about the disturbing headache when you are experiencing anxiety.

But to make you feel better I can say, tension headaches are like the hallmark of anxiety attacks. Severe or mild, a tension headache can mimic any type of headache. You can be sure that it's nothing serious. The more you concentrate on it, the more pressure feeling you are going to get in your head.

Try to think the times you are doing other things, or really concentrated on other things. Are you still feeling the tension in your head, or is it gone?
A serious headache is 100% persistent, keeps going for a long time and usually with other notable symptoms.
So if you don't have those, try not to think about tension headache, it will sure go away when you relax.

good luck, get well soon