View Full Version : citalopram help

20-01-12, 11:14
Hi was looking for some help i was diagnosed with fibromialgia 3 years ago and have had extreme health anxiety i was prescribed 10mg of amitripline at night for nerve pain and have been taking them for two years and still feel very anxious and have lots of physical symptoms so i decided this year i will sort myself out i made a doctors appointment and she said to try citalopram i have been worried about taking both together i am on my 10th day of cit and am only taking 5mg and have cut ami down to 5mg but still feel really panicky i know this is such a low dose my doctor advised to take 10mg of cit but im unsure, has anyone else used both together or have advice on citalopram hoping to feel better soon

20-01-12, 11:23
started citalopram 20mg 17 days ago and tbh the first 2 weeks my anxiety was as bad if not worse than I had experienced before. after around the 14th day i started to notice my anxiety less and less and now i can go most of the day without really thinking about it at all. because you are taking such a low dose it may take longer for you to feel the benefits. i decided to just ride out the first few weeks knowing that it wouldnt last long and now im glad i did. all the best.

20-01-12, 11:40
I am planning to try upping the dose at the weekend to see how i get on but at the moment still feeling shaky have loss of appetite having head zaps pins and needle aggrophobia etc .... so hoping they dont get worse but very reassuring reading some of the posts saying stick with it.... there is hope for me yet !!!

20-01-12, 11:50
i also took propranalol for the first week but then stopped it to do a 24hr urine collection, never needed to use them again since. they helped with the physically symptoms of anxiety, the sweats, flushes, tachycardia/palpatations and tremour. might be worth asking your gp, it does not interact with amytrptyline as this combination is used to treat migranes.

20-01-12, 12:27
Hi all!
I need a bit of help and also some guidance. I’m taking propranolol 10mg x 3 daily. Started taking Citalopram 10mg last Sat. Have been fine so far. No side effects really, well here’s the guidance bit.......................
I'm supposed to up my dose of Cit to 20mg today. Don’t know whether to leave things as they are, as I’m doing ok. Or do as the doctor said and up the dose? I take it at 5pm, but am finding it difficult getting to sleep, should I take it later, or earlier? HELP!!:doh:

20-01-12, 12:33
i was advised to take it in the morning as cit can keep you awake????

20-01-12, 13:15
Hi all!
I need a bit of help and also some guidance. I’m taking propranolol 10mg x 3 daily. Started taking Citalopram 10mg last Sat. Have been fine so far. No side effects really, well here’s the guidance bit.......................
I'm supposed to up my dose of Cit to 20mg today. Don’t know whether to leave things as they are, as I’m doing ok. Or do as the doctor said and up the dose? I take it at 5pm, but am finding it difficult getting to sleep, should I take it later, or earlier? HELP!!:doh:

I'm in a similar situation; I'm on Propranolol (80mg slow release), I started on 10mg Citalopram last saturday, and my doctor initially prescribed me 20mg but said it would be ok to start on 10mg to get used to it for a few days. I'm doing ok on this dose, no major side effects, and I am worried about the side effects if I increase my dose to 20mg. However, it is the dose that the doctor initially prescribed and I am still getting feelings of anxiety, so I am just going to stop worrying about it now, and take the larger dose tomorrow like I am meant to.

20-01-12, 13:36
daintydi - i would switch and start taking 20mg from tomorrow morning, could probably still take your 10mg for today now. i take mine in the morning and have no issues getting to sleep. Cjo20 - side effects will either happen or they won't, i didn't see the point in delaying getting to optimal dose of citalopram into my system so i decided just to ride out the effects and am glad i did now.

20-01-12, 14:50
only reason i was worried is cause i did a drug interaction checker and it said amitripline and citalopram was major risk : ( but dr said would cause a problem on low dose but have been failed by doctors in the past so find it hard to trust them...

Charnwood Fox
21-01-12, 18:55
i was advised to take it in the morning as cit can keep you awake????I was advised to take it in the morning because taking it at night increased the risk of "abnormal dreams"(???)