View Full Version : Getting Better....NOT?

13-06-06, 22:50
Hi all,
I first posted a couple of weeks ago and i was just wanting to put a few of my concerns down that im still trying to cope with....if anyone can help.As with all on here i was diagnosed with HA a couple of weeks ago and since then ive been on Half Inderal LA 80 mg which have really helped,especially with the psychological side of things but im still getting physical symptoms which i find hard to deal with.I self diagnosed on google(not any more after advice from here) and had Lung cancer,stomach cancer (which ive been been on Omeprazole cause my abdomen was in agony (ulcers) but was ok till a couple of days ago but have put it down to neurofen tension head ache tabs which i read after i took them for 2 days was not to be taken if undergoing treatment for them)Luekemia,MS,ME,bone cancer.diabetes...you name it ...ive had it.What it is now is that i still feel like crap....aching legs and arms,sore head but I dunno if its a tension headache cause it really only throbs at the front and sides,but only sometimes,sore throat and getting hoarse (throat cancer)sore back and neck,confused at times and forgetting stuff...the list goes on.What im trying to say is ....is is still 'NORMAL' to feel like this with a HA problem.The good thing i suppose is that im not getting PA's any more but im still a bit freaked out that the other crap has not started to settle down.Any thoughts.


13-06-06, 23:00
Hi Mark

You sound exactly like me. I too have Health Anxiety!
There's not a day goes by without something being wrong with me. I have had lightheadedness for most of today, along with back ache (I have sciatica) Yesterday I had blurred vision & tingling & numbness in my left arm.
Are you able to work?

Cath x

13-06-06, 23:06
Cath,thanks for posting.Yes i can work ok,my jobs quite physical and im on the move all the time.The other thing that got me down was that i totally lost my appetite and iv'e only had it back for about 10 days.i lost about a stone and cause im tall and slim i looked like s***.So now im just itching to build my weight back up but im in a catch 22 situation cause i dunno if because im doin a more energetic job it will take a bit longer to put on the weight or is there summit really up with me??

Mark x

13-06-06, 23:14
Hi Mark, it takes longer than you think for symptoms to go. Your body has been through a lot of stress and anxiety, it has to work its way out. There are lots of books etc that say that symptoms can keep going on much longer. that's how anxiety maintains its cycle, as the fear keeps going - you keep thinking why aren't i gette=ing better and the whole load of adreneline is released and it starts again. Claire weekes bk is grat it speaks so much sense on how to overcome anxiety but it does take time hun. don't be discouraged - keep on keeping on.

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-06-06, 23:17
Hi again Mark

Well I have had 2 breakdowns within the last 3 yrs & each time I lost weight as I too lost my appetite, I had this knot like feeling in my stomach all the time. After my 1st breakdown my Dr. gave me Seroxat & I gained a lot of weight from that.

They say that exercise is good for us though, so maybe a few sessions at the gym, on the weights might help ;)

Cath x

14-06-06, 07:56

I suffer from health anxiety and your symtoms I have had and still get the sore throat at times, which Is anxiety.

I have had HA for four years and I have only just come to terms with it.

Try and find things to take your mind of it!


14-06-06, 23:18
Thanks all for your kind words and thoughts.Iv'e got Claire Weeks " Self help for your Nerves" and I can certainly relate to what she says.... i think the hardest thing for me ,as I suppose is the same for us all is that how you can feel so crap and have so many physical symptoms going on with your body and not really be ill.I know this sounds silly because as we all know WE DO have a medical condition...I think for me this is the hardest thing to deal with.I seem to be past the psycological aspect...eg depersonalisation/derealization ,which i had for about a fortnight and it was terrible and hope to god i dont get any re-occurance,but its still hard to come to terms with the fact the my body still struggles to get back to normal..

Mark x