View Full Version : On lustral and want to come off

20-01-12, 14:40
Hi im new to this and hope anyone could give me the best advise.
Im return to work after 9 months off with my daughter and im finding it really hard to cope i felt really tearful and didnt want to be there.
I went to my doctors and i was put on Lustral 6 weeks ago 50mg and then i went onto 100mg.
The side affects are so bad that i feel worse than i did before, i know these can pass but im really cant cope and want to come off them
please anyone help

20-01-12, 14:42
Hi monkeypoo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

william wallace
21-01-12, 14:38
Hiya Monkeypoo, that's an awful handle to give yourself. I expect it's because you feel like a pile of monkeypoo, been there. You might benefit from dropping down to 50 for a while if the Lustral makes you feel that bad. It's a good enough AD, and although it's been around for a long time thats testament to the usefullness of it.


30-01-12, 15:19
I feel worse than Monkeypoo but i thought it was catching hey!! Iv dropped down to 50mg and i do feel a little better. Im only get about 4-6 hours sleep and feel bad in the morning till around 4pm. will it get any better or am i wasting my time on them???

william wallace
30-01-12, 15:43
Hiya pal.
How long ago did you reduce to 50mg? It might be time to have a gentle raise to 75mg, by splitting 50's in half? It can take a couple of months or more to see the real benefits, and to be honest, you need to help it along by keeping busy and active.

30-01-12, 16:04
I do keep busy with having my little one but, im struggling even with that at times. iv been back on 50mg 3 weeks. does it get any better in the morning?? does the sleep ever get better??
Thanks for your reply really appresiate it

william wallace
30-01-12, 16:28
It does get better but takes a while. I'm not a doc or therapist, but you have your docs instructions to take 100mg. If you choose to gradually raise to that in increments it's your choice. I think you'll notice a big improvement if you try 75mg for a few weeks.