View Full Version : Panic/anxiety attacks in sleep?

20-01-12, 14:42
I've not been on here for a while, hope everyone is doing well. I've been having more anxiety then usual recently dueto lots of different things that have been going on. It comes and goes throughout the day but I have also been waking up a few times in the night feeling like I can't breathe. Last night I had a weird nightmare that I was trapped inside a room the size of a cupbord and I was screaming to get out because there was no air in there. When I woke up I had the classic anxiety symptoms like tight chest, hyperventilating etc and it took me ages to calm down and get back to sleep. Is it possible to get anxiety attacks when you asleep? I keep getting worried there is something wrong with my heart of I have sleep apnea or something now :( Thanks for listening

20-01-12, 15:10
I used to get sleep paralysis which sounds pretty similar to what you're describing here. I know it seems terrifying at the time - I would imagine it's a bit what being buried alive must feel like - but it's just a panic attack in your sleep, your subconscious mind just won't let go. I recall they seemed to be worse when I was overtired. It's not easy but try and keep as calm as possible because anxiety loves attention; try to ignore it as much as you can.
I don't know why mine suddenly stopped but I think when I realised it wasn't going to kill me I relaxed a bit more. Also I think it helps if you keep really busy during the day so that you are really shattered when you do go to sleep. My problem now is waking up too early and being unable to get back to sleep. But that's preferable to sleep paralysis and the terrible nightmares.
Certain types of medication can also cause very vivid dreams which can also cause panic while you're sleeping.
I hope things work out well for you:)

20-01-12, 22:05
This is one of the most frightning things that i have had since suffering with gad and panic attacks.i have not had it for a few month now but i used to have it everynight and got to the point where i would sleep on the sofa coz been in bed made me panic more that i was going to get this.i used to feel awfull afterwards to.it is all part of anxiety so much going on in our heads it never gets a rest.

21-01-12, 14:18
Hi Charlotte, yes I think it's possible to have panic attacks in your sleep. I frequently woke up during the night dripping in sweat (lovely!) and I guess that night time is when you're brain does all it's sorting out and processing, so if you're feeling stressed that will result in anxiety dreams and panics. I dreamt I died last night - that was a first - drove off the edge of a mountain road. Was strangely calm about it, but glad to wake up! Hope it passes soon.