View Full Version : Feel stupid!

20-01-12, 23:07
I'm off work at the moment with anxiety and depression. Suffered for many years and have always come through it in the end (there is hope!!)

I am trying to do all the right things at the moment... get out of the house, I go for walks, I've started swimming, seeing a counsellor, distracting myself Set simple goals etc

I've been doing OK! Not brilliant but coping! Today went down hill! I had my day all planned out. Wanted to go swimming today and go to a smaller shop to get some bits etc Felt OK!

Went to collect my prescription and it wasn't there! So had to go back to the docs and they said it was off repeat (even though I went to see the doctor on Monday for a review of my meds! He said he would put it back on repeat!)

Had to go back home and wait for duty doctor to phone me. Which he did eventually...after 3 hours. He said it was no problem and the prescription was done! It got sent to the wrong pharmacy so I spent the afternoon chasing it!

Mistakes happen and normally this wouldn't bother me at all! I've had to chase prescriptions up before!

Today though I went into complete panic and felt so ill! It came over me in a wave that I've not had for years! Cold sweats, racing heart,feelings of not being with it, thought I was going to faint or have a heart attack!

I kept saying to myself its just anxiety you've come through worse!

It was only over a prescription that I know would get sorted! Stupid!!!!!

What the hell is that about!!!

Mabel xxx

20-01-12, 23:48
hi Mabel
sorry to hear that.
when we have been well and coping well for a while, then a major set back happens, it does really throw us, and we really get upset by it... dont dwell on it,
-a number of things could have caused it, just rushing around doing all you did today would cause adrenaline rush, add to that some frustration with the errors, add to that someone whos suffered panic/anxiety.. and its all a cocktail for this to happen... Tomorrows another day, let it go knowing that you did actually cope well while it was all actually going on... and like you say its just anxiety and youve come through worse.:)

20-01-12, 23:55
Im the same Mabel , simplest of things just trigger me off just now, could be the kids just being kids , a letter coming thro the letterbox and me thinking oh no another bill , even telling my wife to put petrol in the car and it wasnt even in the red yet , things just setting me off for any old stupid reason and its not as if I feel Im getting angry at the time its only when I feel the anxiety creep in I go oh no not again

Anyway sorry to hear you had a bad day after doing so well and you got it all sorted out in the end , keep your chin up

21-01-12, 00:21
Thanks!! On my phone now so sorry if spelling goes a bit funny!

I know it's daft! It was a simple thing that I needed to sort!
But I panicked big time! It just hit me. Not felt like this for ages.