View Full Version : Someone helP please!!

21-01-12, 03:12
I can't take nomore please help me. The panic is terrifying me. X

21-01-12, 03:32
Just try and expand a little on what you're feeling and then maybe people can help:)

21-01-12, 03:36
Just remember that it cant harm you, even if it may feel like it can
And you're amongst friends here :)

21-01-12, 08:13
Tight chest, cold sweaty skin, tight throat, gasping for breath, head tingles etc?

NONE of these things will harm you in any way, the body is in need of resetting your 'fight or flight' response, in time when you understand this is normal it will start to affect you less and less.

I had about 10-12 panic attacks a day for 3 years, couldnt leave my house for a full year due to fear o fpanic and now Im a promoted careworker about to move into my own house,

It can be done, when your ready to face things head on and get your life back.

21-01-12, 09:48
Hi hayley, sorry you are having such a tough time on citalopram, but if things are reallt bad then you should try and insist you are put back on escitalopram, you were doing better on them, and you ahve given the cit a go.

i know you were doing ok, and just remember this will be the effects of changing your meds.......hard i know, but it will pass if you continue with the cit.

Take care, and keep us posted xx

21-01-12, 12:03
Hun you need to bare with it and give the citalopram time to kick in. You will still suffer and feel bad if you stop them. In a couple of weeks you might find that it all starts to get better.. Hang in there beaut :) xx

21-01-12, 14:46
I feel soo depressed :-(

21-01-12, 15:49
distract yourself, make goals , do little steps and as you achieve those steps then you will feel better i PROMISE YOU xx

21-01-12, 15:53
I feel soo depressed :-(
snap feel same today... so i am going to go do something! feed my dogs and cook dinner... gota be better than sitting wallowing in negative thought...

21-01-12, 16:07
Even getting up, showering, dressing for a day ahead and going for a walk is much better than wallowing in bed.

H26, I'm sorry you feel this way. Is there something that's been concerning you for a long time?

21-01-12, 16:33
H2 26 You are not alone. I share in your suffering. But do something like get a drink and a biscuit. I know it might not sound ideal ....but a good drink and sweet biscuit can pick us up.

Medication helps as does talking. But if the medication is not hitting the mark, so to speak, then see that GP again and tell just what you need out of medication.

I really do understand along with others' here.

Is there not a meeting or good group whare you could go and meet up with like-minded people.

A friend of mine used to say when all else fails see a priest or minister.


21-01-12, 17:35
How are you feeling now, any calmer? You will be ok, I know exactly how you're feeling but you will get better, have no doubt.

21-01-12, 17:40
Nothing bad is going to happen to you honestly. Trust me. You are not going to keel over, its just your body making you feel bad.

I have had panic attacks for over 20 years, you have to learn how to control them.

Teach yourself to breathe s..l..o...w...l...y.

breath deeply from your "belly", not your chest.

breathe through your nose for 5 counts, hold for 10 counts, breathe out through mouth for 7 counts - this is getting oxygen back into your system.

do it slowly until you feel better. do it again. learn how to do it.

Stay in touch,
