View Full Version : Shakey hands

21-01-12, 08:16
I have noticed that my hands tend to shake a little, its only tiny tremmers but recently I have thought that maybe I should be concerned about this.

I notice it when putting on nail polish it feels like its out of my control even though they are tiny and very unnoticeable and I started crying when I notice that it is still happening because I dont know what is wrong with me.

Somehow I think it might have something to do with my blood sugar levels as I notice my blood sugar levels always usually drop quite bad and I get extremely hungry quickly. I was tested for diabetes beginning of last year and dont know if I want another test done as I am freaking out about it. I have convinced myself I dont have diabetes because I dont drink much liquids and I dont pee alot, when I do go toilet alot its only a dribble associated with feeling of a urgent full bladder when its not as for diabetics its usually a full bladder.

I have went without sugar in my diet today to see what happens my diet is all low GI foods slow releasing energy but I still notice some shakey hands, which made me feel like crying again because I am beside myself at what to do about it. I am obsessing worrying and constantly checking my hands until I can get reassurance that they dont shake.

I dont know what to do about it I cant tell anyone around me because I dont want to hear the words that "I should go and get that seen to by my doctor" because that will just freak me out more. I want to hear that its normal and nothing worry about.

I am sorry this is long but should I really worry about this thing at all?

What do you think it could be?

21-01-12, 09:58
hi Pinkroxy, i'm sure this is anxiety related, i was just the same as you. trying to put on mascara, nailpolish etc was awfull, and like you i panicked about it,,,,, imagining all sorts.

i did tell my gp. he told me it was the anxiety and prescribed me propanolol ( a beta blocker ) which helped me through a bad patch.

The good news is it went, when my anxiety got better, and so will your's, don't worry about it too much....hard i know, but it is normal, and you have been checked out, so i'm sure it will be your anxiety, just like me.

Good luck hope you feel better soon x

22-01-12, 05:58
Thanks Pinkdove.

I havent told anyone bout my shakey hands but I heard from someone that if it isnt notceable like holding a cup and it shakes alot then it shouldnt be anything to worry about.

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

I dont think its anxiety I feel the shakiness when I am calm and doing something then I start to worry because it is happening again. Its hard to explain it feels like its linked to my blood sugar levels and hungryness. I also get it when I feel sick I get this yucky tummy alot and feel like its in knots and I dont really think its all anxiety.

I just want to know that I am alright and not going to die or have to live with a big illness for the rest of my life lol.

I am still obsessively checking my hands and feel relieved when I dont shake that much but feel like crying when I do. I dont know what to do and what is wrong with me.

I woke up this morning with my stomach in knots and feeling a little sick when I was out with friends for lunch I was very hungry and had to eat then felt ill and yuck after my lunch and also had one of those annoying headaches I get when I feel like this but that headache is hard to explain.

I just want someone to tell me what is wrong with me and why this is happening. Also my IBS pain symptoms are getting worse :(

22-01-12, 11:38
Hi Pinkroxy, Why don;t you speak to your gp, i was exactly the same as you......i promise, and my hands did shake when i held a cup, lit a ciggie, i was always aware of it, and told my dr about it.

I have had an ecg, chest x ray bloods, breathing tests, and it was anxiety related, and like you had it when i thought i was calm.

Another symptom i had was the sick feeling in my stomache, i coul'nt eat, sleep, was constantly worrying about everything and nothing.

You are working yourself into a state over this, which will make things worse, speak to a member of your familya bout your concerns, or a close friend, i know this will not calm you down, but i really had all of your symptoms and more, please talk things over with your gp........if only to put your mind at rest. take care :hugs:

oh and i knew when i was getting better, my mum said you look better, your makeup is on straight lol

23-01-12, 05:21
Thanks for that I really do hope its that aye.
I cant afford another doctors visit right now and would like to avoid them as I just went a couple of Fridays ago and got antibiotics for my throat which I have just finished.

But I still have it and its still worrying me. I rang the nurse at my doctors office today and she said that its not usually normal but its common if your blood suar levels are running low. I know I wouldnt have diabetes but am anxious to have another diabetes test done even though I am certain it isnt that.

Its like sometimes I feel unwell like Im coming down with the flu and then I feel fine. My sore throat has come back again today a little and it took a while for the antibiotics to get rid of it last week. I dont know if its to do with my immune system being knocked right now or not but I just cant stop thinking about it.

Thankyou so much for your support I might have to go to my gp though if it does continue and I will have to work out to pay a little bit back each week for the visit. But I am trying to limit my doctor visits this year as it got quite expensive last year. Ive already been once this year and its only January lol.

Anyway fingers crossed it gets better but its doing my head in and sending me in tears eveytime my hands get shakey :(