View Full Version : How to get over fear?

21-01-12, 09:50
I have a fear of my vertigo attacks which makes feel so anxious and sick. I've had these attacks for 9 years and it never bothered me until now so I keep saying to myself "it passes it will be ok if it happens" but I am so scared of it happening, is there any tips you can give on not being so afraid of them?

21-01-12, 16:52
Anyone got some feedback, anything would be good?

21-01-12, 16:56
Its the fear you give to them, that keeps it alive... what causes the vertigo? is it just the anxiety that causes the dizziness? or do you have a condition?

21-01-12, 17:05
I had an ENT appointment but he doesn't think it's ear related but I am going for a balance test any way. Thanks for the reply.

21-01-12, 17:11
Dizziness is a big sympton in anxiety, all the adrenaline rushing around... you need to burn off adrenaline, exercise.... make sure you eat small meals but regular... i used to suffer real bad dizziness.. meds can cause it too... you on meds?

21-01-12, 17:21
Yeah I take Sertraline but the spinning sensation has been on and off for about 9 years, I really don't why it worries me now when it never did before.

21-01-12, 17:23
What worked for me was eating small amounts regularly throughout the day... and like i say you need to burn off anxiety adrenaline... a walk or some form of exercise is good for you... You can take my 2 dogs out if you like!!!! lol :D

21-01-12, 17:29
Today I had a lazy day, I needed it as we all do once in a while but tomorrow I will be more active.