View Full Version : It gets better

21-01-12, 11:09
Hey guys

I've only posted in this forum a few times, and it was a year and a half ago. At that time, I had severe OCD, nearly to the point of agoraphobia. Since then, I've been undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy. I haven't used any medicine. My case was so bad that, whereas most cbt only takes 3 months, mine has continued for over a year, and I'm still working on it.

Despite my abnormally bad case of anxiety and ocd, I never gave up hope and I always pushed forward.A year and a half later, I still have OCD, but it's very mild and manageable now. I can go into public with no fear. I can walk up to people I don't know, introduce myself, shake hands, be chummy and sociable without consequence. I still get occasional health fears, but I can just shrug them off now without it being a big deal. I've actually been working on a new career as a public speaker! I'm living my life the way I want, and not hiding from my anxiety. A year and a half ago, it was hard to believe I would ever get to where I am.

I know where most of you are at, and I know it can just seem like the whole world. I promise you that the world is bigger and safer than you can imagine. I lived my entire adult life with ocd, and cbt has completely changed my outlook in a relatively short amount of time. If it is at all possible, I strongly recommend it. It's more effective than drugs with none of the side effects.

Take care, and good luck everyone!

21-01-12, 11:42
I have to agree. I logged into no more panic during the summer, suffering from intense panic attacks and anxiety. So bad I would cry, feel hopeless, sick, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, barely took care of myself, I would even hold my mom's hand like a lost little girl. I'm 21 years old.

Anxiety and OCD run in my family and although I don't experience any OCD symptoms I suffer from sever anxiety and panic attacks. I saw a psych for a while but its very difficult to get treatment where I live. In fact, I've been on a group therapy wait list since August...

Anyways I started on Citalopram (Celexa) 20 mg every day. I admit it was hell at the beginning but slowly got much better. Of course I still have down days but they are much less frequent and intense. I finished my last year of college and now I'm working for a large university, going to complete my degree next year.

Speaking from experience, I know it can be so hard. I hope seeing success stories makes people feel better. It could be so much worse. Anxiety/panic etc can be heartbreaking when they aren't under control. I'm just happy that my illness is treatable, unlike the many broad-spectrum fatal illnesses that many people around the world face every day.

Thanks for your message, I wish everyone the best of luck and please remember even though today might seem unbearable, there is a future!