View Full Version : explanations if you can???

21-01-12, 15:00
Hi. I have a "few" symptoms that i am sure there are some innocent explanations for. But me been me i have convinced myself with the worst case senario. I wont say what i think they mean but want to see if others have a more rationale explanation. Ok here it goes :blush: 1. Pain in the side of my head. I suppose temple. 2. The area around my belly button has a burning type pain. If i put my hand onto top of my belly butyon its the area under it. 3. Period type pain. 4. Bloating and discomfort. 5. Bowel problems. 6. Sometimes i dont pass much urine or have much urge to. This can ladt for ages then i will start weeing normally again. 7. Brown stained discharge for a few days. This usually starts about three days after my period ends. 8. Palpitations. 9. Eye floters, stranhe colour flashes very light sensitive. I know we are not medically trained and have discussed most if not all the symptoms with my gp. I just wanted a more balanced opinion than i can see. Sorry if the post comes out rubbish its on my phone and im not great with technology. Thanks in advance xxxx

21-01-12, 15:17

I've had the majority of these symptoms over the past few years and have been to the doctors...I'm still here after years of having then..So from what I've learnt is:

Numbers 1 & 2 : Could be linked to stiff/Tense Neck... If you type in google (Not negative things but positive) you can quite a lot of the time find answers that make sense..Not just CANCER or something awful which is what alot of us jump to ...Its like were looking for it to be bad

3 & 7 : Totally normal for periods ...I get browny horriblyness for 1-3 days after (even more now i'm on the pill)

4/5 : Sounds like IBS (Normally stress related) changing your diet can help or doing a food diary to see if anything is making you worse..

The other things just sound like normal bodily functions that you've probably never noticed before...but once you have you focus on them... Instead...Maybe try distracting you mind?

I'm not one to talk as I am bad with health anxiety but it comes in waves with me...I have learnt to google positively though.. HELPS LOADS xxxx

21-01-12, 15:26
Thanks so much for your replies. This is just what i need. I know these thibgs but my mind always convinces me otherwise. To hear sensible explanations is great xxx nrowe2 does your discharge start after your period appears to have finished for a few days? Sorry if this a personal question to ask x

21-01-12, 15:30
:) No Probs... Sometimes yes...I've been "Clear" for a day or two and then next thing it feels like i'm on again :( ... If it starts to happen all day everyday I'd go see you GP but its just your body cleaning itself :) xx

21-01-12, 15:41
Thanks x no it only happens for a few days after. The things i think! I wush my brain would spend as much time going over useful things! Xx

---------- Post added at 15:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:36 ----------

Thanks lemonade. Makes me feel better that someone else has mainly the same symptoms. Not that it must make you feel better! Do you think the worse case senario?? If i google my eyes skip the rationale/easy explanations and go straight to the dramatic where i dig and dig for info. Uf i spent that mych time doing my housework we would live in a palace and eat like kings!