View Full Version : Id really appreciate ur help!!!!!!!!!!!!

21-01-12, 15:08
Hi guys,

i'd really appreciate it if you could all take some time to really help me out here.

Ive suddenly become very negative in the way i think and feel very sick. Im in a show which opens weds and all i can think of is 'something is defo gonna go wrong and i'll run off stage having fainted or been sick'. I feel very down, lightheaded, not happy at all and like deep down i need to come to terms with the fact im terribly ill. Last night i was convinced i was gonna have to take myself off to hospital as this is not the right way to feel. I wondered if i'd wake up. and now all i can think of is letting everyone down weds and freaking out. I dont wanna have a panic attack in front of people.

I dont get alot of replies so id appreciate it if u could just pls help me here. Thanks xx

21-01-12, 15:14

Have you felt like this before....i.e. light-headed and sick....with panic/anxiety ?

There is no doubt that being stressed about a performance can make you feel both of the above symptoms :winks: but only you will know if you think it is the worry causing it or perhaps a bug instead.

What did you actually feel like last night to make you think you needed the hospital ?

It does sound like you are incredibly anxious about this 'show', have you been in one before ? The pressure of 'letting people down', and having to be 'ok on stage' could make you feel dreadful. Have you experienced it before ?

Sorry, lots of questions....

21-01-12, 15:20
Thats great that you are in a show! very exciting! and thats how YOU need to see it... as very exciting! not scary... you are obviously more than capable of doing it and should not be adding FEAR to it... if you tell yourself repeatedly that your going to panic and going to be awful, then thats going to be your reality... because youve already decided it... we are our thoughts, we become what we think about... so time to start thing about wednesday as exciting, your gona be great, its a fab opportunity and you cant wait to do it !!!! I know how you feel, been feeling rubbish for 3 days now... (after having a really good 8 days before that) - xx

---------- Post added at 15:20 ---------- Previous post was at 15:18 ----------

People that dont suffer anxiety would have some nerves on the night... so its not at all unusual that someone with anxiety feels it more

21-01-12, 15:22
sounds to me as if you are very anxious, this could be causing your symptoms. I can feel like this just going out the door far less going on stage. You really should see your doc if you feel no better.

21-01-12, 15:23
I have done many shows before and i was the main part in one in march last year and freaked out a bit and when on stage i kind of couldnt wait to get off so now i think that fear has stayed with me. Im crying at every possible thing just now, feeling sooooooo emotional its untrue. Is it stress? would i know if i was seriously ill? xx

21-01-12, 15:31
Definately sounds like stress and anxiety, and you are having a nuro-association, as in you are feeling that fear that you did from that last show... perhaps you should see your gp if you are overly worried..

21-01-12, 15:38
what could my gp do for me? could he give me something to calm me down? x

21-01-12, 15:44
Anything a gp gave you to calm down, probably wouldnt work that quick, if you get meds, they can take weeks before working... maybe try rescue remedy or something?
i meant if you thought you were seriously ill , then best see gp.

21-01-12, 15:53
I think anxiety sufferers do think they are ill tho dont they rather then just realising its panic and anxiety taking over

21-01-12, 15:55
yes health anxiety is a big issue

22-01-12, 08:06
I have done many shows before and i was the main part in one in march last year and freaked out a bit and when on stage i kind of couldnt wait to get off so now i think that fear has stayed with me.

I think you've hit the nail on the head here. You are actually really scared and that can make you feel physically ill. Is there anyone involved in the show that you can talk to about how to deal with these fears ?

22-01-12, 13:03
I was once a thespian lol And what you are suffering with is stage fright which is very normal I had it loads of times. You worry about forgetting your lines or if you are a dancer you worry about forgetting your steps or you worry about letting other people down. I did it profesionally and also amature I loved it so much but sometimes i would be on the loo befora a rehersal or a performance. You are not alone.

All I can say is make sure your learn your lines back to front and who ever your performing with learn theres aswell practise makes perfect as they say, It isnt easy but try to enjoy it. Its a great thing to do and I loved it I also did TV work. But I do know it is a nerve wrecking job/hobby

You could ask you Gp for propranalol just to help you a little and talk to your other cast members for support. Good luck and break a leg lol :)

CAthy xx

22-01-12, 15:51
Thanks cathy. My heart just seems to be constantly racing right now and its scaring me but im also thinking negatively about the show. Do you know if bet-blockers help calm the nerves and heart beat? x

22-01-12, 16:38
I really do know what you are going through as I had it bad and believe it or not I was very very shy to. I could even shake in rehersals I was that bad but because I was good at it and I loved it I did it for 30 years from when I left school.

I somthimes think I should go back to it as a hobby.

The betablockes help calm your heart down and the shakyness I never took anything at the time. I would say try the rescue remedy first that may help you. lots of performers get nerves its part of the job and it makes you perform better.

Cathy xx