View Full Version : Is swine flu still about?

22-01-12, 10:15
Basically I have all the symptoms of swine flu and have convinced myself I've got it!
I've had conjuntivitus since wednesday and its slowly starting to go so obviously thats not the problem. But friday I decided to have a nap as I hadn't slept well the night before and I woke up feeling ill.
My hips ached like a pulled muscle and they still do ache but I know I slept funny on both hips so I'm not sure if that could be why?
I've got a sore throat, I'm really thirsty, I've sometimes got a bit of a headache, I've got a fever and then diarrheoa started yesterday.
I rung seadoc yesterday and the nurse who rung me back says she thinks I'm just run down and to ring back if I feel worse or wait until tomorrow and see my own dr. But I didn't mention the diarrheoa cos she didn't ask and I forgot about it.
I wouldn't say I feel worse today but for some reason swine flu popped into my head and I googled and now I'm convinced I've got it!

My Mum and boy friend have both said I would feel worse and also said that swine flu isn't about at the moment but I'm really scared!

22-01-12, 10:50
I don't think it is about at the minute but there are a LOT of colds and chest infections going around. Maybe visit your GP tomorrow just to express your concerns?

22-01-12, 11:01
hi sounds like a cold in which case it is a matter of keeping warm and drinking loads of clear fluids.

22-01-12, 11:06
Hi thank you both for replying.
I am definitely going to go to my own dr tomorrow if I still don't feel well.
One thing I keep thinking though is you don't normally get diarrheoa with a cold do you? x

22-01-12, 11:22
Not usually but it's probably a virus, a virus can seem like a cold/flu.

I had flu 2 Xmas's ago and was super ill to the point where I could not get out of bed for almost 10 days and had sickness, diarrhoea, a bad fever, aches and pains, it was vile.

If you had swine flu you'd be in bed very ill, even with standard flu it would knock you for six.

22-01-12, 11:28
Thanks Jay. That has made me feel better. I can't have a flu then as seen as I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday feeling like this lol.
My son has just got over a virus so perhaps I've caught some thing from him?
I know its silly thinking its swine flu but hey thats what ha does to you x

22-01-12, 11:33
I wouldn't worry too much about swine flu - the vast majority of people that got it the first time round only had mild symptoms like you would get with a cold.
Could it be something you've eaten? Mild food poisoning?
Drink lots of fluids.

22-01-12, 11:40
Yea sounds like you picked up the virus off your son. A visit to the GP should put your mind at rest and with flu you definitely 100% wouldn't be at work!

22-01-12, 18:30
I really would be shocked if you had the flu, but have you gotten your flu shot? Because they include the swine flu vaccine in a regular flu shot nowadays.

23-01-12, 04:47
I had swine flu 2 years ago and it sucked, but I wouldn't say it was the worst thing ever. After the first few days of just laying in bed I eventually got up and got moving again. I had horrible aches over my entire body and a fever and all that good stuff, doesnt sound like your at that point. Hopefully its just a virus or something not to hard hitting, good luck!