View Full Version : Anxiety over "thinning" hair

22-01-12, 13:18
I've noticed with my hair thats theres one spot that is thinning.
On my part near the front ive notcied a thinning spot. Now my hair is incredibly incredibly thick all over. But i am scared i am loosing my hair. And if i loose my hair I won't be able to go out and it is making me nervous.
I dont use a hairdryer/heat tools on my hair. But to get my hair to go into place and stop it being greasy i have to wash and condition every morning unless i am staying indoors.
and also i sweat over night and hair is wet by the morning :lac: . I really shouln't have to wash my hair everyday but it gets so disgusting over night

it is not the spot at the front of the head. I don't know if you can see the spot lol but i can anyway haha. :\ I'm really not sure what to do about it.

---------- Post added at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 ----------

http://i43.tinypic.com/119wjmq.png better photo.

---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

I also have it very very short but i get it cut every 4 weeks. But within a week a lot of hair has grown. :\

---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

http://i43.tinypic.com/24pezgl.png maybe this photo is better to

22-01-12, 13:37
Thanks. yer i think its were i part it everyday there so it shows.
My hair is SO thick so i know i shouldnt wash everyday but it gets heavy with sweat over night and theres no other way around it really lol
I kinda think at 18 any damage to my hair can be reversable.
All i do is shampoo/condition/air dry. Today i havnt as im staying in all day but it looks a right mess! but whos going to see me lol.

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ----------

my mother used to have hair like me as a teen and said she washed it evryday as she would get really hot over night like me aswell. so i think its hereditry. all my family has thick/course/curly/frizzy hair lol.

Joe C
22-01-12, 15:21
Em.ma just to reassure you, it looks to me from the pictures you definately are not losing your hair, however if you are worried go to a GP. you would know if you had Alopecia because your hair would start deveoping bald patches not go slightly thin in one area. If you've started taking any new medication that may affect hair growth.

Also if you have your hair cut often its fine washing it every day. When you put conditioner on, try keeping it away from the roots and concentrate it on the ends (should help it stop getting greasy so quick.) Also invest in some good wash out hair treatments. Kerastase do some wonderful treatments (you can get it from most toni and guy salons).

Trust me Im a hairdresser:yesyes:


22-01-12, 16:50
Wish i had hair as thick as yours,it's gorgeous,Is right what Joe says though
lots love

22-01-12, 16:58
Take it from someone who knows about hair loss, yours looks fine, and like already said, any further concerns pop to your gp

22-01-12, 17:32
Thank you people.
Joe C- I'm going to get it cut every two weeks now as it just goes to damn fast.

http://i39.tinypic.com/2hwof8z.png when i first have it cut the top is completly flat and then it grows out with this wave which i can not stand lol.

Joe C
22-01-12, 18:09
thats a good idea :)

23-01-12, 21:46
Also on tthat piece of scalp the hair feels thin and like theres no hair there just skin but on other parts there is lots of thick hair and i cant feel my skin. even if i brush it back i can see were that part is still showing were its thin.
Does just wetting hair everyday damage to it. I have to soak it to style it otherwise i can not brush it into place. So is wetting it oen day and using JUSt conditioner ok and then shampooing/con the next day?

---------- Post added at 21:46 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

even if i comb it over you can see the thinning bit

Joe C
23-01-12, 22:02
how long ago did you notice it? If its isolated and you havent noticed it anywhere else Id be extremely surprised if you had alopecia. If your worried though go see your Gp :) everything you have described is fine, water doesnt do any damage to hair, its heat that does, and even then its only the very ends and only affects people who only get there hair cut every few months instead of regularly. :)

23-01-12, 22:07
It used to be so thick i could not even see my scalp unless i digged for it lol.

I've always hated my thick hair but now i want it back even more again! lol. I'd much rather have thick than thin hair.
I'm getting my haircut either Saturday or Tuesday next week depedning on when my stylist is free and am going to stat going every two weeks from now after that cut.

---------- Post added at 22:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

Thank you.
Yes i cut out the use of my blow dryer/straightner a few weeks ago.
I have noticed no hair being lost in the shower at all. Its just this one area. I think i will wet my hair and use conditioner every day and just shampoo/con every other day.
Will my hairdresser be able to tell me if its thinning?

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------


I use this conditoner.

Joe C
23-01-12, 22:16
he/she will definately be able to spot signs of your hair falling out. However hard it is try not to worry about it :) Im 90% sure looking at your pics this is probably just anxiety. Let me know how you get on! :)

24-01-12, 10:52
Thank you.
I keep pressing around my scalp lol and it really does feel a lot thinner. i could never use to be able to even find my scalp.
Anyway I have an app for Friday Morning :)

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 ----------

http://i42.tinypic.com/2j3jt01.png i have never been able to see so much fo my scalp before and i can feel it all the way round that side now

Joe C
24-01-12, 11:31
hmm, if I were you Id go see my GP then. In your mind its obviously not right and its better to be safe :):winks:

24-01-12, 13:54
Hi Em.ma,

I have an actual diagnosis of Alopecia, so coming from someone who knows what it's like: your hair looks thick and healthy, based on the pics I am seeing. Usually, alopecia presents in a way where you'll notice a LOT of hair coming out at once, as in handfuls of hair in your hands after you shampoo in the shower. Slight thinning of the hair (and by slight I mean that its often not even noticeable to others) can happen naturally as we get older, and I truly think you have nothing to worry about. Thinning hair can also be caused by anxiety, new meds, even a drastic change in diet or a recent illness. The good news, however, is that hair loss due to any of these causes is usually always reversible and will completely grow back within a few months.
It's good that you are getting this checked out by your doc, they should be able to give you more info about hair loss, hair care, etc.

Also, shampooing every day, blowdrying every day, etc - none of those things will lead to hair loss. I had the same questions myself once I got an alopecia diagnosis, and was assured by many docs, dermatologists, etc that no amount of blowdrying, shampooing, etc can lead to permanent hair loss. You've got a healthy, thick head of hair and nothing to worry about. The ONLY thing that can cause permanent hair loss is alopecia, and based on the info you're giving and your pics, your symptoms just aren't presenting that way.

Good luck, let us know what you find out at your appointment.


24-01-12, 17:12
I agree with Valley, washing etc will not lead to hair loss, some people using shampoo with silicon in, will see a little loss when they wash but thats rare.

I had hairloss a few months after I had my son, everyone told me I was silly and it was fine but when it started growing back, everyone said it had been falling out.

I still look at my hair in the bathroom and think my hair is thinning, especially along my parting, but it isnt, its usually where the light is shining off the skin!

you aren't alone!

24-01-12, 17:43
Thank you all so much :)
Oh its not a docs app its a app with my hairdresser. as it grows so quick i will be going every 2 weeks from now (and to limit the damage to my hair aswell)
Thank you :) I see no hair at all come out in the shower when i wash.
I didnt shampoo today but i got it wet with water and then it got SOAKED with rain water lol.
Its only as my hair feels very thin along the bit ive circled. It may look thick to you but i could never see my parting before lol (ive always wanted thin hair now i want to keep my thick hair) lol.

25-01-12, 18:06
I also think it could be because of cancer.
and i have spots on gums and pain around nose all the time and extreme tiredness

27-01-12, 19:10
Well i went to hairdresser. Told her and she looked around at my hair and parting and said "no you have the thickest hair of any customer i have" she once said you have enough hair on your head for ten women (when i had it long to my waist) lol.
Asked her if it was Ok to wash everyday and she said yes fine, she said she does hers everyday, and try to avoid a blow dryer (which i do, havnt used for one for over a month now)
Hair grows super fast so got an app for this day in 3 weeks time whilst there :)