View Full Version : Really scared its going to return

22-01-12, 19:01
March 2011 I was in bad pain with my tummy for 2 weeks, it would be okay in the morning but by 9pm id be in so much pain i couldnt move. went to a&e and saw 2 different doctors, all saying it was IBS. so I have been on tablets every day since march 2011

All of a sudden im starting to get gassy pains in my tummy again, no where near as bad, but still coming in the evenings, the feeling will ease when i pass wind but i dont know why this is happening. the pain sometimes goes to my back and shoulders, but im scared to eat now, as the pain near my belly button hurts, (untill i break wind) i have also stopped acid reflux tablets. but feeling sickly again

could it be stress? i am currently re decorating my house..

please any advise would be great x:hugs:

22-01-12, 21:55
Have you changed your diet at all? When I eat a lot of fiber, I get these same gas pains. Maybe try an OTC medication for gas?

sherylee xx
22-01-12, 22:08
i have ibs my gp perscrib ed me peppermint tablets xx

caroline the artist
22-01-12, 22:31
Hi ,
I have experienced all these symptoms on and off for many years . IBS according to the doctor.
Recently I have made a WONDERFUL discovery, - have you heard of the FODMAPS diet for IBS ? you can google it and find a list of foods to avoid. It is brilliant for ibs, works for at least 75 % of people who try it. whenever I get symtoms start, I stick to the fodmaps list of ok foods, and within 3 days , I feel fine again, no tummy pains.
If you haven't tried it, you must look it up online, and give it a go.
good luck, let us know how you get on.