View Full Version : Dizzyness from Anxiety

22-01-12, 19:34
If you suffer from dizzyness what is yours like?
Mine seems to vary from day to day. Last week it wasn't too bad as I was busy with the kids and at work, yesterday I felt fine. Today I have felt dizzy on and off all day apart from what I went out with my middle son and when doing the house work.
When it strikes it only lasts for a few seconds up to 1 minute and I feel really odd then it passes.
I keep thinking its related to a brain tumour (my anxiety) but when I mentioned it to 2 drs they said it was anxiety.

22-01-12, 19:38
Mine is like a weird dazed unbalanced feeling which is worst in the morning.

22-01-12, 19:47
Mine seems worse in the morning as well, it has occured this afternoon but no where near as much as this morning. Doesn't happen when I am busy!

22-01-12, 19:52
So true. It's when we sit and ponder it is more likely to happen. What I try and do now is acknowledge it "oh hi,you're back again!" then ignore it and try to do something else.

22-01-12, 23:45
My dizzy spells stopped after i started taking citalopram.

Has anybody ever felt so dizzy it made them throw up? Happened to me twice.

23-01-12, 00:06
I take citalopram but still get daily dizziness, however I believe part of it is cased by tension and neck tightness. I do panic with dizziness as it can make you feel like you will faint but over time I am trying to get over this. It is horrible though but the fear of the next dizzy spell is almost as bed.

My dizziness is transitional so getting up, lying down etc, along with almost a brief falling feeling. Also I find that sometimes my vision seems to wobble if that's the right word and I absolutely hate it.