View Full Version : is this anxiety?

22-01-12, 19:53
Having loads of different symptoms over the years i sometimes wonder whats illness and whats anxiety, if this makes sense there has been a sickness bug around and i was a little bit sick on thursday, nothing bad but since then i have had an ache in my middle back which isnt there in the morning when i wake but comes on later in the day when i have had food, my hubby says its wind/indigestion but im petrified its something bad.. i also suffer from ibs so it could even be that... im just so worried and my doctor doesnt understand anxiety sufferers so no point going to her
any help would be fab thanx

22-01-12, 19:57
Sounds like it might be indigestion. I used to get it and it was a horrible pain going through to my back and would keep me awake. When it next comes on try some Gaviscon or Rene tablets.