View Full Version : Anyone else? :(

23-01-12, 06:40
Hey all just wondered if anyone else feels like this..my anxiety started after having my children I feel that I worry a whole lot more and stress that something is going to happen to me and I'm going to leave my children behind the thoughts take over my mind sometimes and I get so upset just thinking how would they cope without me..it makes me check myself everyday for new things and I hate feeling like it I don't want this to rub off onto my children,I just want to enjoy my life with them and be the best mother I can instead of thinking of something new to worry about each day..every time I hear bad news about someone being sick I get myself worked up again and worry its going to happen to me! How can I shake these thoughts in my head..any advice would be appreciated thanks.jo x

23-01-12, 07:36

I know how you feel. A few years ago I did a course in health care assistance I had to do an assignment on illnesses and diseases I had to research and explain all these illnesses and I was a wreak thinking I could get this or if I had some symptoms that I have it. I never could be a doctor or a nurse because of this.

Cancer is my worst fear, yes I hate hearing about other people getting cancer because then I realise how real it actually is. It totally sucks feeling this way but I think I have a phobia to serious illnesses.

23-01-12, 07:54
Thanks for replying Hun..horrible feeling isn't it and it's cancer that I have a phobia of I think because we hear of it so much now..every little symptom I get get I think the worse of it..

Hope you get through health anxiety..I have just ordered a book online so hopefully that will help me x

23-01-12, 08:22
Yes that is exactly me. I was ok after my first child but in my second pegnancy it hit me. I constantly check my symptoms and am convinced i will leave them. Watch my husband and think he will never cope. Cry alot and shout much more than i want to. Feel a rubbish mom. I am a nurse and an older mom so neither helps xx

23-01-12, 08:30
It's so hard to shake the feelings isn't it..I also think my husband would never cope I just hate the thought of it,I want to enjoy my life with my kids and not to think about not being around..:( hope you start to feel better soon x

23-01-12, 15:43
I am the same. I didnt even care about myself health wise before my op went wrong and before My daughter was born. Now the major cause of my anxiety is 'what will happen to her if i die/am dying?' so i end up a nervous wreck pretty much every day. I miss the old me Charlotte x

23-01-12, 16:28
no i didnt care about my health either i just got on with my life..i lost a baby when i was 3 months pregnant and since then i have suffered really badly with HA..i have just bought a book called overcoming health anxiety so i will let you know what its like,anything is worth a try..i miss the old me too i just want it to go away and not have to feel upset all the time about the what ifs!! xx

24-01-12, 00:28
This is exactly me, im struggling so much to just enjoy my life with my son, i get headaches every day with it all, i dont know wat t do or wether sumfin is actually wrong wi me half the tym, sucks!x